Newsletter #84 - August 2008
-- My Tai Chi Tour, by Dr Paul Lam
-- My Journey on the Road to Health and Harmony, by Jef Morris
-- How the Scholarship has Benefited me, by Norma Ferrell
-- Is Tai Chi a Spiritual Practice, by Robyn Malby
-- Tai Chi: Spiritual Vitamins, by Dahlis Roy
-- The Effects of Tai Chi on a friend with MS (Multiple Sclerosis), by Tony Garcia
-- Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health, by Bob McBrien
I had the honour of conducting a tai chi workshop and presenting a seminar at Europe's oldest university, the University of Bologna, in June 2008. It is so appropriate to have an ancient art of China, Tai Chi, being taught at a University where the history goes back nearly 1000 years. My Tai Chi colleague, Dr Mauro Stegagno, a cardiologist, told me that it's library is so extensive and ancient that the librarian often discovers priceless antique books from some ‘dark corner’. Join me for a quick tour of my trip around the world.
My new book Tai Chi for Diabetes – Living Well with Diabetes, co-written with Dr Pat Phillips is now available. The incidence of Diabetes is increasing around the world. The book contains much diabetes information, comprehensive instructions and photos of the program Tai Chi for Diabetes. We hope you can use it to help people with diabetes to improve their wellness and quality of life.
In this newsletter
• Exerts from Jef Morris' talk at the June One Week Workshop in the USA.
• As a scholarship recipient at the June One Week Workshop, Norma Ferrell tells us what the workshop meant to her. The one week January workshop in Sydney will again be offering scholarships, contact us for more information.
• Carrying on from last month’s theme of the spiritual aspect of Tai Chi, we have two more articles by our American contributors, Robyn Malby and Dahlis Roy.
• Tony Garcia, a recent contributer to our newsletter, tells us a remarkable story of his friend who, like him, suffers from MS.
• Dr McBrien returns after the June workshop with his dose of humour
This month's special:
Buy the Tai Chi for Arthritis, Tai Chi for Arthritis Part II and Sun style 73 Forms instructional DVDs and you will receive three wall charts free: Tai Chi for Arthritis, Tai Chi for Arthritis II (NEW) and the 1-2-3 warm up and cooling down exercises worth USD $19.50 or AUD $ 26.85. Limit one order per person. Click here for more information or to place your order.
This month’s free music CD goes to:-
RicB, Bozeman, Montana, USA, who comments about a TCA instructors’ workshop he attended:
"I was impressed by the quality of the material and the professional manner in which it was presented as well as the quality of the other candidates that were there to learn. If I can speak for the group, I think we all came away with tangible learning and will all be better off for our participation in this workshop. I particularly liked the emphasis on teaching, and how to teach. Dr. Lam's Stepwise Progressive teaching method is very good and takes what most good teachers have been doing intuitively and boils it down to a simple methodology which any one can incorporate into their teaching. The emphasis on how to teach to the targeted population was very good as well. This arena of how to teach is sometimes overlooked, and I was very glad it was front and centre in this program."
Ric, please contact our office at with your physical address to claim your free Music CD.
Therapeutic Tai Chi Instructors’ Training workshop
Tai Chi for Diabetes, Instructors Training workshop
- Tai Chi for Arthritis, Instructors training workshop
- Tai Chi for Osteoporosis, Instructors Training workshop
Tai Chi for Arthritis, Exploring the Depth workshop
Tai Chi Arthritis, Exploring the Depth workshop
Tai Chi Arthritis, Exploring the Depth workshop
Tai Chi for Arthritis, Exploring the Depth workshop
Therapeutic Tai Chi Instructors’ Training workshop
Tai Chi for Back Pain, Instructors Training
Paul Lam, M.D.
One of the most exciting times of my life is spent travelling around different countries and meeting many wonderfully caring people. On my tours I conduct workshops, give public talks and meet organisations and researchers who are interested in bringing Tai Chi to help people. I will post a few photos about the places I visited this time to share the beauty and energy of each place.
This year I started with a workshop and a presentation at the Australian Rheumatologist Association’s annual conference in Adelaide, Australia. I have worked with many health professionals and Tai Chi teachers. There was so much interest in the community that Channel Nine News and the Adelaide Advertiser featured both the Tai Chi 4 Kidz and Tai Chi for Osteoporosis programs. My colleagues and I are looking forward to seeing the development of both programs.
From there I went to Singapore to conduct a Tai Chi for Osteoporosis workshop and a public talk. I met with the Minister of State, Mr Heng, Chairman and CEO of the Council of Third Age about bringing Tai Chi nationally to older people in Singapore. Singapore is a vibrant city, and I was inspired by the energetic, industrious and visionary people I met and worked with.
After Singapore I conducted a Tai Chi for Arthritis workshop in Zurich, Switzerland. It is certainly one of the most beautiful and cleanest cities in the world, also one of the most expensive! A simple noodle meal costs at least twice as much as that in Sydney. We then visited Rome before going to Bologna, Europe’s oldest university for a workshop and seminar for health professionals. After that I had the most interesting experience visiting my friend and Master Trainer, Roberto Crea’s parents’ beach house in Reggio. Over the last 30 years, Mr Crea (now aged 86) has built a beach house from large stones, practically with his bare hands. He made wine with the grapes he grew there and he reared chickens. Mr Crea is a man with a big heart, he opens his beach house for others to enjoy the beautiful blue sea and nature. Take a good look at the photos!
From Italy I went to Massachusetts, USA, for the Tai Chi @ Work preconference and the one week June annual workshop. Mt Holyoke College is voted one of the most beautiful campus in USA. Although it was an intense time for me working with 150 people, I did enjoy the wonderful Tai Chi spirit and friendship there but did not take many photos. Here I want to give my best wishes and thanks to all my friends and colleagues who were at the workshop.
My trip ended with a family wedding in New York City; I then conducted a special class for my wife’s friends in Los Angeles; and met up with my old Tai Chi friend and ex Master Trainer, the co author of my book Tai chi for Beginners, Nancy Kaye and her partner Lou Satz in San Francisco, before returning home. It was a trip full of memories, wonderful people and places.
So to make peace with this land, I went to the very core of the beginning of my practice, to the fundamentals. To practice Tai Chi is to share Tai Chi. I found myself with some of our returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan, only a fraction of the 1.5 million US lives that have served, and returned shaken and stirred. Tai Chi, we believe may help them with their mental time travel, and cope with the present stress of life.
If the sun did not rise from the east, and the valleys became mountains, we could still find our way, by the light we see from our heart.
If time erased all memory that we have, we would still know the way that would lead us to where we are from, and where to go.
If the Big Dipper disappeared, but the light that we see from our heart will shine there forever.
With Health, comes Happiness,
With Happiness, comes Peace,
With Peace, comes Kindness,
With Kindness, comes Harmony,
With Harmony, comes Wisdom.
It is up to us to nurture these gifts, for on the road you never know what, or who you might find.
I practice Tai Chi daily as a pathway to open awareness and communication, verbal and nonverbal. When you invite a positive change in your life, you invite others to join you. Generating unselfish energy with mindful intent, Tai Chi practice can help you achieve goals. You begin to see fresh opportunities in your daily life. Positive intent represents Yin nurturing force while events and people returning to you are active Yang energy. Tai Chi practice balances Yang’s strength and Yin’s yielding to create a harmony of work, play, and rest.
Recently, I retired from many happy years of Tai Chi teaching to deepen my creative adventure of writing and painting. Was I surprised when a new friend, Jade Lotus, from Taiwan appeared! For thirty years I have been searching for the right teacher to help me with Chinese brush calligraphy. My teacher is here! We also practice Tai Chi together with a group in the morning. Louise, an R.N., adds, Tai Chi is a “blueprint for unlimited possibilities, a plan without boundaries.” Tai Chi is intuition to fruition, vision to achievement!
Good morning Tony, this is Luis Cortes and this is my e-mail at work. I am still setting up an email for home. Let me tell you, got up this morning and I swear I felt different. More secure, felt more stable and I found it easier to walk. I can’t wait to get home to practice and I am looking forward to next Monday!!
Thanks again,
Luis Cortes
March 3
Great session today!!!!! I have noticed since the first session that I woke up the next day and my body felt strange. I got to work and was able to go up the stairs without holding on to the hand rails. There was no fatigue, it was easier to walk down the stairs and I was able to stand for longer periods of time. I stood for over an hour. I never thought this would happen. In the evening I fell into a very deep peaceful sleep
I have regained the feeling in the bottom of my feet and at times feel the (MS) IS SLOWLY SLIPPING AWAY. I also feel more at peace with myself and I can’t wait for the next session. I am looking forward to making this a way of life. I think we are on to something here at last.
Thanks Tony
Luis Cortes
March 11
After our completion of week 3 and starting week 4, I have experienced the following last Sunday. I was able to take my 100lb plus Labrador dog for a twelve block walk for the first time in 5 Years. I no longer feel like sleeping for long periods of time. My sleep is deep and relaxing and when I awake I am ready to get up and do something productive, not just sit around. I am cutting back on smoking and when I get the urge I get up and begin to practice the moves and this takes the urge away. I also noticed that after each class I feel better and better as the days go by. I am no longer scared of getting out of my truck to go buy something and worrying about standing in line for long periods of time. Looking forward to week 5, THANKS AGAIN TONY!!!!! LUIS CORTES
Good morning, just some personal observations, I have noticed that mentally I am much more focused on the things I do. For example as you know I am a sales rep for a flower importer and for the last two months my sales have increased by $60.000.00 from last year. Out of 7 sales people I was the only one to have an increase in sales. I no longer fear or worry about things that could happen. I deal with situations as they come and if I can control it I will. If I have no control, I will not let this disrupt my peace of mind. Looking forward to our next session!! THANKS AGAIN TONY, LUIS CORTES
After being off for two weeks and not really practicing it was good to get back to our weekly sessions. I had a great night sleep (before I was not sleeping well). I woke up not feeling tired, my legs feel very strong and my whole body feels very centred. Looking forward to our next session!!! Thanks again TONY. Luis Cortes.
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by Dr. Bob McBrien
Meeting old friends and making new friends is one of the high points of the June Workshop. On several occasions new friends told me how much they enjoyed reading my humor essays in this newsletter. It is good to know that my goal of promoting the sharing of health humor is being achieved.
A physician told this story about her then four-year-old daughter. On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. Be still, my heart, thought the doctor, my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps!
Then the child spoke into the instrument: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
One day a guy was driving with his four-year-old daughter and beeped his car horn by mistake. She turned and looked at him for an explanation.
He said, "I did that by accident."
She replied, "I know that, Daddy."
He replied, "How'd you know?"
The girl said, "Because you didn't say 'JERK' afterwards!"
It was the end of the day when the policeman parked his police van in front of the station. As he gathered his equipment, his K-9 partner, Jake, was barking, and the cop saw a young boy staring in at the dog. "Is that a dog you got back there!?" he asked.
"It sure is,” the cop replied.
Puzzled, the boy looked at the cop and then towards the back of the van. Finally he said, "What'd he do?"
A 3 year old boy’s reply, when his mother told him his shoes were on the wrong feet
Don't kid me, Mum; I know they're my feet."
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.