Newsletter #114 - February 2011
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Although Australia “abounds in nature’s gifts of beauty rich and rare”, we have some of the worst natural disasters, like bush fires and floods! Last month, many parts of our country experienced one of the worst floods in decades. Many lives and homes were lost and this will take a long time to heal and restore. Please give generously your help and positive energy to those who are less fortunate.
The January Sydney workshop was a resounding success. In this newsletter, you will read about highlights of the workshop with more to come in later issues. The theme this month is 'tai chi and the community'. Tai chi revitalises and energises us through interacting and working with the community. Humans as social beings gain energy from working with people and contributing to the society. Have you experienced times when you don’t feel so bright, yet when you start talking to people or attending a tai chi class, you feel energised?
At the January workshop, there were three morning talks on tai chi and the community. The first was from Sybil Wong talking about 25 years of our tai chi school, Better Health Tai Chi Chuan. You can read her speech below and see her in action on YouTube.
Secondly, Pat Webber talked about 13 years of tai chi workshops in Sydney and USA, I will include her talk in next months newsletter. The third talk was from Jennifer Chung, a Master Trainer from Singapore. It was about her and her colleagues’ idea of gathering a group of 400 to have a tai chi lesson with me. This number exploded exponentially when word got around and 2000 people turned up on the day!
As mentioned in last month’s newsletter, another highlight was the presentation of the Excellence of Community Partnership Award, to the former Greater Southern Area Health Service, by the Tai Chi for Health Institute. You can see a video of the award ceremony and the representatives of the Health Service explaining the role they played to win this prestigious award.
In this newsletter:
Sybil Wong reflects on her long association with BHTCC in the year of its 25th anniversary, citing its achievements and vision.
Ernie Hall continues to learn from her students, by listening she aspires to become a better teacher.
Denise Murray tries to address the basics of what a person should know before working with individuals living with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia.
This month Caroline talks about “grace under pressure”, a life skill that practicing tai chi cultivates in the aware student.
This Month’s Special:
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Upcoming workshops: by Dr Paul Lam
Mar 05 - March 06, Fullerton, SA, Australia
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor Training
April 16 - April 17, Florence, Italy
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
May 14 - May 15, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
May 14 - May 15, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor Training
May 14 - May 15, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor Training
May 14 - May 15, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Arthritis Part II and Update
May 29- May 30, Singapore
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
June 4 - June 5, Singapore
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Jun 11 - June 12, Terre Haute, IN, United States
Tai Chi for Fall Prevention & Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis
Jun 13 - June 18, Terre Haute, IN, United States
One Week Tai Chi Workshop
Many other workshops conducted by my authorised master trainers are listed in Workshop Calendar.
Yours in Tai Chi,
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For those of you who do not know me, I am an instructor of BHTCC and I have been with the school for more than 20 years. We have just celebrated 25 years of BHTCC and I am here to reflect on those years and its achievements.
Better Health Tai Chi Chuan is a non profit organisation. It was founded in 1984 by Dr. Paul Lam and his friend Scottie Potter for the purpose of teaching and promoting tai chi. The school has established an excellent reputation both in Australia and overseas for the high standard of teaching and its efforts to promote tai chi for health.
We started in a hall in Peakhurst with a small number of students and have grown to a much larger school today. All BHTCC instructors are volunteers; we have more than 20 instructors at the moment. We pride ourselves on the friendly environment where we share our knowledge and help each other to develop and have a culture where we are encouraged to share our knowledge with each other in a supportive and non threatening environment.
Paul had and continues to have a vision to spread tai chi to as many people as possible. He is convinced that tai chi can be of great benefit in keeping people healthy and that it is especially useful for people with chronic illnesses.
There is an increase of chronic illness in the western world and this increase is continuing. Governments will find it increasingly expensive and difficult to look after these people. One solution is to keep people healthier for as long as possible and for people with chronic illnesses to find ways of helping themselves. Tai Chi as an ideal exercise for everybody, including people with chronic health problems, is an important health tool for the future.
With this in mind, Paul did two things. Firstly, he developed the Tai Chi for Health programmes which has reached and benefited millions of people world wide. BHTCC supports his Tai Chi for Health programs and some of our instructors are master trainers in these programme. Our school and instructors also takes part in tai chi medical research which provides us with evidence that tai chi is beneficial to health.
Never sitting still for more than a second, Paul came up with his second strategy where he wanted to run workshops where tai chi practitioners can come together to learn and to explore tai chi, to share their knowledge and to make friends. In 13 years, many people have participated in these workshops. Some have come to learn for themselves, while others come with the aim to learn so they can teach when they return home. These workshops have also helped tai chi to reach many people. BHTCC is proud to be part of these workshops.
BHTCC also reaches out to the local community. We take part in many demonstrations to try to introduce people to tai chi and I must say that we have had many fun times. Most notably when Pat and friends, in a TCA demonstration were introduced as a group called “Dr Paul Lam and the Arthritics”.
We have had demonstrations in parks, medical conferences, schools, even in Flemington Markets amongst people trying to buy their fruit and vegetables on a Saturday morning, with the hope of showing the community the benefits and fun of tai chi.
In 25 years what has it achieved? How has BHTCC developed?
• it is a fantastic tai chi school with a health focus
• a place where all are welcome to come to learn and practice tai chi
• a place where the tai chi spirit is strong
• a family where we help and nurture each other so that we can all grow
• it is a local school with an international focus
• for the students and instructors of BHTCC it is simply our tai chi family
• a place where the tai chi spirit is strong
• a family where we help and nurture each other so that we can all grow
• it is a local school with an international focus
• for the students and instructors of BHTCC it is simply our tai chi family
In addition:
• it is 25 years old and still going strong
• it is looking forward to the next 25 years and beyond
• it is looking forward to the next 25 years and beyond
Above all:
• it is the product of one man’s dream and one man’s vision
• BHTCC is proud and privileged be able to share in Paul’s dream and in his vision
• BHTCC is proud and privileged be able to share in Paul’s dream and in his vision
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Denise Murray, TCA Instructor, Lake Orion, MI, USA
Grace under pressure is the best response when you have an altitude headache at a workshop and are short of breath during tai chi movement. That was my experience in Teller County, Colorado, not too far from Pike Peak. Grace under pressure was essential when an elderly woman tripped and fell, face first, between two parked cars. I witnessed this shocking event through a picture window during an instructor training workshop as I was leading the class through the TCA form and quickly needed to mobilize the emergency response as no one outside had seen her go down. As it turned out, the experience provided an effective lead in to the discussion on precautions, safe teaching and handling emergencies as a tai chi teacher. I will never forget the time, years ago in England, when Dr. Lam handed me a lapel mike and casually informed me that I needed to stand on a table when I taught TCA movements so they could see my feet. If he had told me earlier it may have been a different story, but having no time to think or worry, I was able to adapt to the situation and just do it. When we are challenged with a situation that calls for grace under pressure, it is an opportunity to see how far we have come in developing this deeper tai chi conditioned response.
By Caroline Demoise, Master Trainer, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Dr. Pamela Kircher, a strong advocate of integrative medicine, has actively promoted Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health Programs since 2001. Dr. Kircher encourages western medicine physicians to incorporate effective strategies that promote wellness and rehabilitation. As the Medical Director of Wellness and Integrative Medicine at Mercy Medical Centre in Durango, Co, she encouraged the Wellness Team to embrace the Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor program and became a tai chi teacher herself in the communities of Durango and Pagosa Springs.
Pam is focusing on creating tai chi for health opportunities for every person who lives in Colorado. Her strategy involves giving a CME presentation (Continuing Medical Education) at the local hospital when she travels to an area that is new to Tai Chi for Health programs. By doing this, local physicians know what is being initiated in the community and why it is safe for their patients. Physicians feel more confident referring their patients to community tai chi classes. Pam has facilitated over 70 workshops in Tai Chi for Arthritis, Tai Chi for Diabetes and Sun Style 73 since becoming an MT.
In her relationship with western medicine, during the eight years that Dr. Kircher practiced family medicine in Houston, she served as Chair of the Family Medicine Department at Memorial Southwest and brought acupuncture into the hospital setting. Because of her interest in Near Death Experiences and grief counselling, she became a Hospice doctor at the Hospice at the Texas Medical Center where she served from 1990-1994. She is an expert in end-of-life issues and Near Death Experiences and is a national speaker on NDEs.
She authored a book on Near Death Experiences called “Love is the Link”. In Durango, she was a Family Practice physician with a strong interest in Complementary Medicine from 1994-1997. She created the TLC program (Touch, Love and Compassion) that offers complementary care services to patients. These services include Therapeutic Touch, music therapy and gentle massage to reduce stress and assist with pain management. These modalities are included in the Pre-operative session along with a tape to help patients prepare for surgery and to heal quickly after surgery.
Aromatherapy and stress reduction products are sold in the gift shop. In fact, the TLC program was adopted as the flagship program when Mercy built a new hospital in 2006. Currently, over 50% of patients avail themselves of this free service and patient satisfaction has skyrocketed since the advent of the program.
When I met Dr. Kircher, at the hospital in Durango, she was interested in experiencing the health benefits of tai chi because she had constant pain in both knees from osteoarthritis. Bilateral knee surgery to repair medial menisci left her with stiffness and pain in the morning. Clinical research studies done on tai chi gave her hope for greater symptom management. I brought Dr. Lam to the hospital to teach a Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor training in 2001 because I wanted to initiate a hospital based and supported tai chi program for the staff and community.
To Pam’s delight, when she took the training and made tai chi a regular addition to her life, she experienced relief from her knee pain, an increase in range of motion in her neck and reduced stiffness in her upper body as well as an incredible tool for stress management. Learning tai chi gave her the gift of being more in tune with her body. The process of facilitating instructor workshops helped integrate her mind, body and spirit. What surprised her most was how deeply tai chi spoke to her. Pam is at heart a spiritual person and the slow movements of Sun style connected her more deeply to the peace at the core of her being. Practicing tai chi has been an anchor to that mindfulness and awareness of purpose in life. This connection with heart and her experience with tai chi’s wonderful health benefits prompted her to begin promoting tai chi to physicians around the country in CME programs.
To date Pam has given over 40 talks on the health benefits of tai chi to hospitals, people with chronic illnesses (such as MS) and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation conferences and Integrative Medicine conferences. As a physician advocate for tai chi, Dr. Kircher is in a unique position to advocate for a non traditional rehabilitation strategy like tai chi and convincingly present the case for adopting tai chi in hospitals and wellness centres.
Colorado and the south western states have a large Native American population with a high incidence of Diabetes. Pam did her first instructor training in TCD with the Southern Utes in Dulce.
From there she was invited to do workshops in New Mexico with various pueblos. Pam travelled to Alaska to teach tribes there, including those above the Arctic Circle. They are scattered into small groups, so tai chi is an ideal exercise for diabetes prevention since it can be done alone and doesn’t require space or equipment. Most recently, Pam taught people from the Tohono O’odham Nation in Arizona who had already developed a strong diabetes prevention initiative and wanted to add tai chi, making them a very receptive group for the tai chi training.
As an MT, Pam values opportunities to continue her growth in tai chi. After certifying for TCA in 2001, she became certified to teach Tai Chi for Diabetes Workshops in 2005. When her schedule permits, she assists Dr. Lam with Depth of TCA workshops. Pam participated in the first International Conference for the Scientific Study of Tai Chi for Health in Seoul, South Korea in 2006. She was a Keynote Speaker, giving a talk on “The Practicalities of Tai Chi” and taught a Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor workshop in Seoul. In 2011 Pam will be taking an intensive workshop with Dr. Lam on Depth of Sun 73.
Dr. Kircher became a Master Trainer for Dr. Lam’s Tai Chi for Health Programs in 2002. In fact, she organized the venue for that training at her ranch in Pagosa Springs, complete with catered meals. It was a magical retreat in the solitude of rural Colorado with views of mountains and a stream. The conversation flowed from training to planning for the future of tai chi’s USA organization into having fun being with others who had a passion for tai chi. I became a Master Trainer that year along with Pam and we conducted our first Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor Workshop together in Houston in December. What I remember about Pam in that co-teaching experience was her compassion for students, her ability to speak clearly and effectively and her enjoyment of teaching. Teaching skill and medical knowledge are a remarkable combination.
In addition to being a Master Trainer, conducting workshops and teaching at Dr. Lam’s annual weeklong tai chi event in the United States each June, Pam was a founding charter member of the non-profit organization a group of USA MT’s started called Tai Chi for Arthritis Association. The name was later changed to TCHC, Tai Chi for Health Community. Pam served as president from 2002-2006. During that time by-laws were written, non-profit status was obtained and a website was constructed with the help of Pam’s daughter. One of TCHC’s greatest contributions to the new instructor community is the Scholarship Program that awards 5-10 scholarships to the annual workshop.
Although Pam has retired from being a practicing physician, she is actively involved in her teaching role through local classes and regional instructor training workshops. Pam and her husband Mark, a retired Orthopedic Surgeon, now live full time on their ranch in Pagosa Springs. Their ranching lifestyle includes raising cattle, mending fences and involvement in community activities, along with enjoying the beauty of rural Colorado. To contact Pam or learn more about her activities, visit her website.
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A key theme in my humor and laughter essays is the importance of using our capacity to discover humor in our lives. Think of humor as a daily vitamin with a minimum daily requirement in order to stay healthy. Finding humor and having a good laugh builds our resilience and helps us get through the downturns life sends our way. Here are quotes about the meaning of life that may bring on a smile or a laugh.
• Life is like a game of poker: If you don't put any money in the pot, there won't be any to take out
• After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I WANT TO SEE THE MANAGER."
• Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.
• Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW!!!
• Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
• Money will not buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places.
• Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.
• Life is like a cobweb, not an organization chart.
• Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.
• Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
• After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I WANT TO SEE THE MANAGER."
• Life doesn't imitate art, it imitates bad television.
• Hard work has a future payoff. Laziness pays off NOW!!!
• Brain cells come and brain cells go, but fat cells live forever.
• Money will not buy happiness, but it will let you be unhappy in nice places.
• Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.
• Life is like a cobweb, not an organization chart.
• Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still.
• Life is like a ten-speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.
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Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.