Rani Hughes


Rani Hughes has been studying & practicing tai chi for over 20 years under Dr. Paul Lam and Professor Wong.

Rani is an occupational therapist (OT) and a master trainer in Dr. Paul Lam’s Tai Chi for Health programs. Although her background as an OT was in falls prevention, tai chi and mindfulness has become her main focus now. Rani's interest in tai chi research led to her involvement with a NHMRC funded tai chi study based at Monash University. As a Master Trainer, Rani has trained hundreds of people to conduct safe and effective modified tai chi classes for people with arthritis, diabetes, balance issues and dementia around the world. She has taught tai chi across Australia, New Zealand, Sth Korea, and in Sri Lanka. Rani has a keen interest to introduce tai chi to a diverse range of people, including football teams, homeless women, teenage mothers, high school/university students, conference delegates and people with addiction problems. She was a founding member of the Tai Chi for Health Institute. Combining the practice of tai chi and mindfulness is a daily inspiration for Rani.


Email ranihughes@hotmail.com
Phone 0409164396
Country Australia
State / Province / Region VIC
City Northcote
Available to Teach Online Yes

Email Me


  • Authorised Master Trainer
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Diabetes
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Arthritis
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Osteoporosis
  • Authorised Master Trainer Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Arthritis and Falls Prevention
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Rehabilitation
  • Master Trainer Tai Chi for Arthritis 2
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Memory
  • Authorised Master Trainer Tai Chi for Heart Conditions
  • Authorised Master Trainer Qigong for Health
  • Premier Instructor


Class Information

Zoom Sun 73 commencing Monday 31st January 2022 7-8pm (Melbourne based times)
Zoom Weekday Tai Chi Mon & Tues 4-5pm, Wednes 4-4.30pm (Melbourne based times)




All my classes are recorded and listed on a private Youtube channel. This makes it easy if you miss a session or would like to do the class again. Enrolment fees include the links to these private Youtube channels.


Sun 73 will take a full year to learn. Classes linked to Victorian School terms
Weekday tai chi sessions, each month we chose a different Tai Chi for Health short form and learn and explore it together. People are encouraged to commit to all sessions.