Newsletter #93 - May 2009
-- Tai Chi for Arthritis, Past, Present and Future, Paul Lam
-- Tai Chi for Arthritis and the Arthritis Foundation (AF), Patience White
-- Tai Chi for Arthritis, a South Australia Perspective, Rosemary Palmer
-- Planning and Running a Successful Workshop, Jim Starshak
-- Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health, Bob McBrien
- While the new and improved edition of the Tai Chi for Arthritis DVDs will be released this month, I take the opportunity to reflect on the birth of the program 12 years ago, its impact so far and its subsequent contribution.
Dr Patience White, chief medical officer of AF, writes about the success of the TCA program in USA, our strong relationship with AF and our recent collaboration in the production of the new and revised TCA DVDs.
Rosemary Palmer in Adelaide has had close association with Arthritis SA and the TCA program. She shares with us her involvement and how the program has spread from Adelaide to rural SA.
- Jim Starshak of Kansas City has had tremendous success in planning and organising workshops. Follow some of his ideas and maybe you can have results just like him.
This Month’s Special:
Tai Chi for Arthritis - 12 Lessons with Dr Lam - 4 Hours, 2 Disc DVD
Tai Chi for Arthritis Part 2 - 6 Lessons with Dr Lam - 2 Hours
Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis NEW - 85 mins
Yang Style 40 Forms – 106 mins
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training
June 13 -14, Memphis, TN, USA
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
August 1 - August 2, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
August 1 - August 2, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training
August 22 - August 23, 2009. Sydney, Australia
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
September 3 - September 4, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia
Therapeutic Tai Chi Instructor Training
September 19 - September 20, 2009. Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
October 3 - October 4, 2009. Manchester, United Kingdom
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor Training
October 17 - October 18, 2009. Zurich, Switzerland
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Many other workshops conducted by my authorised master trainers are listed in the Workshop Calendar.
Yours in Tai Chi,
Paul Lam, M.D.
Dr Paul Lam, Sydney, NSW, Australia
In 1996, I started with the idea that a modified tai chi program with input from modern medical knowledge would be more effective and safe, especially for people with chronic conditions like arthritis. With a team of medical specialists and tai chi experts the Tai Chi for Arthritis program was created in 1997. Since then 6 published medical studies have confirmed the program to relieve pain, reduce the risk of falls and improve the quality of life. That is why Arthritis Foundations around the world have supported the program.
Over the last 12 years the program has been taught extensively worldwide. We now have 47 Master Trainers, thousands of trained instructors and over a million have benefitted from this program. This month’s theme “Tai Chi for Arthritis” we take time to reflect the past and project the future of the program.
Dr Patience White, chief medical officer of the Arthritis Foundation in USA and her colleagues has written an article about our collaboration to produce the now available new Tai Chi for Arthritis instructional DVD. Rosemary Palmer from South Australia talks about her experience with Australian Arthritis Foundations. These articles are representative of Arthritis Foundations all over the world, how they have embraced and adopted the program to help people with or without arthritis.
TCA has been used for a multitude of health purposes, e.g. Shelia Rae of Tennessee have used it to help drug addicts kick the habit, Jef Morris and Tony Garcia in Miami have used it to help people with multiple sclerosis and smoke cessation. Troyce Thome in California teaches college students. In Australia many health promotion services have used it for falls prevention, the world’s largest falls prevention study actually has 80% of people doing Tai Chi Arthritis. The author of this study will have an article in the June newsletter on Tai Chi for Falls Prevention. Meanwhile over the last few years ACC, Accident Compensation Corporation of NZ, a national government body which provides comprehensive, no-fault personal injury cover for all their citizens and visitors, have found prevention to be more cost effective than cure. For several years now they have offered free tai chi classes to older people for falls prevention. Read about their tai chi program in this link. Their studies have confirmed the program has had a great deal of success. Ann Rose, their falls prevention manager’s article of how TCA is being taught in NZ will appear in next month’s newsletter.
I see the future of the program expanding to even more countries around the world as well as extending to different areas of health. Recently there was a long term study from Taiwan which showed older people, after two years of practising TCA, improved 6 out of 8 quality of life measurements. That is the most effective anti age intervention shown by a study. Another recent study from HK shows Tai Chi for Arthritis improves the balance of people who have suffered from strokes.
Dr Patience White, Chief Medical Officer, AF, Atlanta, GA, USA
Rosemary Palmer, Master Trainer, Adelaide, SA, Australia
I met Dr. Paul Lam in 1999 at the first January Tai Chi Workshop in Sydney. The welcome my friend Pauline and I received was incredible and we were made so welcome. The
The Tai Chi for Arthritis programme was promoted by Arthritis SA and introduced to South Australia by Dr. Lam in 2000, the year of the Dragon. We knew this was an excellent programme but could not have envisaged at that time what a phenomenal success it would be. You may know that the Dragon, in Asia, is a symbol of the life force. And the Year of the Dragon an ideal time for vision, innovation and, to some degree, risk. Dr. Lam took advantage of all three.
This beginning was the first of a long association with the Tai Chi for Arthritis programme, myself and Arthritis SA. Arthritis SA immediately saw the benefits such a programme could offer to people with arthritis, it was safe, relatively easy to learn, and not too long that people got tired. It was enjoyable, encouraged social interaction and most of all, it was effective.
Initially the programme was presented in Adelaide and attended mostly by volunteers of Arthritis SA and Tai Chi practitioners looking for additional forms to teach, especially to older people. After the workshop we realised that this was no ordinary programme. It was well researched and had expert endorsement. “With such a large percentage of the population learning to cope with the pain and limitations arthritis caused to their life-style, Tai Chi for Arthritis was a gentle form of exercise that gave huge benefits to these people” says Jenny Bennett, from Arthritis SA.
Our next step was to take the programme to the rural areas of South Australia, working with the health services of the various regions. Again the programme exceeded our expectations. We now have leaders teaching Tai Chi for Arthritis throughout the state and within our indigenous communities. Our leaders have taught hundreds of people with arthritis, from children to seniors, some in their nineties.
Planning and Running a Successful Workshop
Jim Starshak, Senior Trainer, Kansas City, KS, USA
Over the years, I have conducted numerous workshops and although they each have different participants and topics, they all require similar planning and coordination. Let me go through my “check lists” of steps I take when planning, coordinating, and running a workshop. Of course, there are many details involved in each step, but I want to just briefly cover these broad areas to help guide you through your own workshop planning steps.
My first check list has my three “umbrella” concepts that cover everything I do from my initial concept until after the workshop concludes (and we’re not really finished when the workshop ends). The key things I do every day during my planning are:
1. Communicate (with Everyone)
2. Be Pro-Active
3. Attention to Details
Next, I want to highlight my main focus in each of seven areas I feel are most important when planning any workshop. In each of these, I again have my three keys for success, and, just like before, there are many details involved in each step. My seven key areas that I consider when doing any workshop include: Planning, Venue, Budgeting, Coordination, Marketing, Conducting the Workshop, and After the Workshop.
1. Assess Initial Interest
2. List All Questions
3. Check for Competing Events
1. Location
2. Costs – Yours & Participant’s
3. Space Requirements
1. What to Charge?
2. What to Include?
3. Miscellaneous Costs
1. Track ALL your Actions
2. Anticipate Issues & Questions
3. Not Checked = Not Done
1. The Brochure
2. Target Audience
3. Use Key Marketers
Conducting the Workshop
1. Check-In is a “First Impression”
2. Pre-Arrange for Helpers
3. Check Layout, Support, and Equipment
After the Workshop
1. Thank Everyone
2. Accurate Final Accounting
3. Share Feedback / Lessons Learned
Thanks for sticking with me. Now, go and plan your own wonderful tai chi workshop. I know you will do great.
Humour, laughter and Radiant Health
Dr Bob McBrien, Salisbury, Maryland, USA
There is much wisdom in the saying, “You don’t stop laughing because you are growing old; you grow old because you stopped laughing.” There is mounting evidence that there is good science in that saying. We have the capacity to find the joke, be playful and have fun. Having a good laugh daily is a pleasant way to stay youthful and enjoy life. Following are three anecdotes that serve as antidotes to any negativity that appears in your life today.
Martha walked in to the house and located her husband watching the TV. She said, “George, the car won’t start, the carburettor is flooded”
George answered, “Woman, what do you know about mechanics, that car is in great shape so the carburettor is NOT flooded. Anyway, how would you know?”
Martha answered, “That car won’t start, the carburettor IS flooded and I do know because I just drove it into the swimming pool!”
President Obama was touring an assisted living centre, walking through the halls with his hosts. Passing along he greeted and was greeted by the residents. He passed by one resident sitting in the lobby who did not seem to notice him, and so he paused and got her attention. “Do you know who I am?” he asked.
“No dearie,” she answered, “but don’t worry, just go over to the front desk and they will tell you your name.”
Morris, an 82 year-old man, went to the doctor to get a physical. A few evenings later, the doctor saw Morris in a nightclub dancing with a gorgeous young woman.
After the dance ended, the doctor said, “What are you doing here?”
Morris replied, "Doc don’t be surprised, it was you who told me to get a hot mamma and be cheerful.'
“The doctor said, “I didn't say that. I said, 'You've got a heart murmur; be careful.'"
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.