Newsletter #96 - August 2009
-- Managing Diabetes with a Healthy Lifestyle, Alan Barclay
-- Tai Chi for Diabetes is Part of the Solution, Pam Kircher
-- Inaugural Tai Chi for Diabetes Workshop in Hawaii, Iliena Ferrier
-- Tai Chi for Diabetes: The 3-in-one Gym in a Box, Maureen Miller
-- Tai Chi and Women's Health, Stephanie Taylor
-- Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health, Bob McBrien
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Alan Barclay, an expert on diabetes management from Diabetes Australia, confirms regular physical activity and healthy diet in combination with tablets or insulin helps lower blood glucose levels.
Master Trainer and MD, Pam Kircher gives alarming statistics of how widespread diabetes is in the USA and how Tai Chi for Diabetes can be a part solution to this problem.
- Iliena Ferrier, a Senior Trainer in Hawaii, puts Pam’s words into action by conducting the first Tai Chi for Diabetes workshop in Hawaii.
- IDF and ADA in USA recommend aerobic and flexibility exercises to prevent Type II diabetes. Senior Trainer Maureen Miller shows how Tai Chi for Diabetes incorporates these physical activities without the trappings of the gym.
As an OBGYN, Stephanie Taylor enlightens us with her knowledge on women’s health. As a Master Trainer, she shares with us how preventive medicine for women can be achieved through the Tai Chi for Health program.
Tai Chi for Diabetes -– Instructional DVD
Tai Chi for Diabetes – Movement Chart
Tai Chi for Diabetes: Living Well with Diabetes -- Book
Buy the Tai Chi for Diabetes DVD and Movement Chart and receive a FREE, Tai Chi for Diabetes Book valued at USD $20.95 or AUD $29.95
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
August 29 - August 30, 2009. Moorabbin, VIC, Australia
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
September 3 - September 4, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia
Therapeutic Tai Chi
September 19 - September 20, 2009. Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
October 1 - October 2, 2009. Manchester, United Kingdom
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
October 3 - October 4, 2009. Manchester, United Kingdom
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor Training
October 10 – October 11, 2009. Barcelona, Spain
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
October 17 - October 18, 2009. Zurich, Switzerland
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training
October 31 - November 1, 2009. Teller County, CO, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
November 7 - November 8, 2009. Sisters, OR, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
November 14 - November 15, 2009. Pleasant Hill, CA, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Yours in Tai Chi,
Paul Lam, M.D.
Alan Barclay, Chief Scientific Officer at Glycemic Index Foundation, Human Nutrition Manager at Diabetes Australia.
Pam Kircher, MD, Master Trainer, Durango, CO, USA
Iliena Ferrier, Senior Trainer, Kapolei, HI, USA
I am happy to share that the State of Hawaii has enjoyed her first Tai Chi for Diabetes Workshop that successfully certified 12 instructors.
Our participants were from physical therapy clinics, fitness professionals, assisted living center, public school system, in-home care agency, acupuncturist, and 2 tai chi practitioners wishing to instruct in a veterans hospital (one is in a wheelchair). The varied backgrounds resulted in rich exchange of information between participants, laughter, and the promise of lasting new tai chi friendships.
As a Senior Trainer, I am very pleased to support our new instructors through continuing programs to enrich their tai chi growth and regular opportunities to share information. Everyone is inspired with their new skills and is looking forward to our first practice together as “fellow instructors”!
As a member of the Hawaii’s Diabetes Coalition, I am sharing and exchanging information on intervention programs. The response has been positive. I also serve on the State of Hawaii’s Dept. of Health’s Fall Prevention Consortium. The program proposal is to use tai chi as a theraputic exercise.
It is exciting and rewarding that I am continuing to meet new professional friends from various organizations (i.e., Kidney, Cancer, Chronic Diseases, Native Hawaiians and Education) that want to learn more about Tai Chi for Health. I believe we will continue to see future workshops in Hawaii!
Maureen Miller, Senior Trainer, St Marys, GA, USA
“Diabetes currently affects 246 million people worldwide and is expected to affect 380 million by 2025. In the US alone, the total annual economic cost of diabetes in 2007 was estimated to be $174 billion.”
These statistics, from the International Diabetes Federation and American Diabetes Association websites, are mind-boggling. But what is even more astonishing is that up to 80% of type 2 diabetes is preventable by adopting a healthy diet and increasing physical activity. Physical activities recommended by the American Diabetes Association include aerobic exercise, strength training, and flexibility exercises.
Many folks still think this means going to the gym for a step or aerobic class, into the weight room for the strength training, and then back to the aerobic room for yoga. And to do this, you got to have a gym - or outfit your house like a gym. Unfortunately, in today’s society, this barrier, along with time and expense, become the excuses for not including physical activity into daily routines. As long as these roadblocks exist, every 10 seconds two people worldwide will develop diabetes and our medical costs will keep rising.
Fortunately, we who teach Tai Chi for Health have tools that can be used to demolish these barricades. Like a gym in a box, the Tai Chi for Diabetes DVD and classes offer 3-in-1 physical activities can be undertaken by almost everyone, almost anywhere, anytime and any place.
These programs are based on ancient exercises; ones that take into consideration the need for aerobic and flexibility exercise, along with strength training, without all the trappings of a gym.
Tai chi is a low impact aerobic activity. It is estimated that a person practicing tai chi for an hour will burn slightly more calories than she would in that same hour while walking at a brisk pace, leisurely bicycling or skiing downhill.
While performing the same activity, the tai chi player is also undergoing strength training, by practicing the tai chi principle of working against a resistance.
The same activity provides flexibility exercise as one applies the principles of moving with joints relaxed and observing weight transference.
When presented this way, how can folks possibly resist a chance to get up and get physically active with our 3-in-1 Tai Chi for Diabetes program?
Tai Chi and Women's Health
Stephanie Taylor, MD, Ph.D., Master Trainer, Carmel, CA, USA
This talk was delivered by Stephanie at the recent USA one week workshop in Memphis, click here to see a video of her talk.
Women's health care is every one's health. Women are the primary consumers of health care and they usually decide on the health care utilisation of their husbands and children. Taking care of women means that you are taking care of the whole family. As the largest consumer of health care, women really set the tone for the nation. Women are in a position to be highly influential in the move to an improved health care system.
On June 15th, President Obama addressed the American Medical Association House of Delegates. In his speech, he stated that we, as a nation, are spending $2 Trillion a year on health care. This is 50% more than the next most expensive nation. What are we getting for that? We have the problem of the uninsured, which drives up costs for everyone and less than optimal care for those who are insured. We trail other nations in infant mortality, and overall longevity. I quote: "If we do not fix our health care system, America may go the way of GM, paying more, getting less and going broke. To say it as plainly as I can, health care reform is the single most important thing we can do for America's long term fiscal health. That is a fact".
You will be pleased to hear the two most important steps President Obama identified are:
1. Development of an electronic medical records system,
2. Investment in preventive care.
He states specifically that "Preventive care means doctors telling us what risk factors and what preventive measures we should pursue." He specifically cites: preventive screenings, eating well, and exercising.
Modern medicine can be described as building larger and faster speed boats to rescue drowning people in a fast moving river. Prevention means sending someone up river to see why people are falling in. Prevention has two aspects. The majority of the most expensive illnesses are preventable. Once the illness has established, we can prevent additional complications and their emotional and financial costs. Let us take arthritis, osteoporosis and diabetes.
Twenty seven million Americans have osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis. It is not just due to aging, but a lifetime of accumulated trauma. As we live longer we will see more osteoarthritis because our joints have had more interesting life experiences. Tai Chi has three beneficial effects on arthritis-fall prevention, fall management and reduction of symptoms after injury has occurred. We can prevent joint damage with good body mechanics. Tai chi is an excellent training for improved body mechanics. There is a large body of research that shows tai chi it is excellent at fall prevention. I would share with you that it is also excellent at fall management. Some of you know that I have an interest in horse back riding. I have two significant falls in the last two years. My training in tai chi allowed me to walk away uninjured from a fall that would have otherwise damaged joints or caused a fracture.
I see patients with bone loss daily in my practice. Both men and women experience bone loss, but women to a greater degree. There is a prevalent belief that once bone loss is identified on a DEXA scan that the treatment is taking a pill to strengthen bones. That is true, of course, but incomplete. Many factors contributed to the bone loss-nutrition, Vitamin D deficiency and lack of exercise. All three need to be addressed before prescribing a medication. An exercise program, including tai chi, is essential in preventing further complications of the disease.
Diabetes affects both men and women. There is increasing appreciation that diabetes is a cardiovascular disease equivalent and they should really be thought of as different aspects of a similar disease process. As such, heart disease kills ten times more women than breast cancer. Tai chi has a role in many aspects of diabetes and CV disease prevention and management. Several high quality studies are published annually.
The Tai Chi for Health Community website has a complete listing of current supporting research with abstracts:
What is the future?
Can you imagine a time fifty years in the future, when everyone has excellent health care. They look back at our time and remark that they find it astonishing that no one had a daily personal health maintenance practice. Can you imagine! They carried on with a stiff upper lip until they collapsed and were taken to hospital!
But what can we do right now? If we are interested in prevention, when should we initiate our intervention? If we are interested in developing excellent body mechanics, we should start in pre kindergarten, Tai Chi for Kids. If we are interested in preventing arthritis, we will change the physical education and sports programs in the public schools. Team sports need to have an injury prevention program that starts in the physical education department. This could truly live up to their name of "physical education". Instead of educating a generation to be highly skilled observers of the professional football scene, they could teach each and every individual to take care of their own physical body in any situation. If we are interested in preventing osteoporosis, we can teach real nutrition from a garden planted at every secondary school, and get those kids outside playing hopscotch and jumping rope. If we are interested in preventing cardiovascular disease, we can do all those things, and also teach them how to heal the broken heart in the gentle embrace of a loving community. And we will teach them how to create that community if they were not born to it.
We are living in a difficult, challenging and very interesting time. This is the beginning of a renaissance for health care. And we are here on the threshold. I would like to end with a blessing from my soul friend John O'Donohue:
Though your destination is not yet clear
You can trust the promise of this opening
Unfurl yourself in the grace of beginning
That is at one with your life's desire
Awaken your spirit to adventure
Hold nothing back; learn to find ease in risk
Soon you will be at home in a new rhythm
For your soul senses the world that awaits you.
From “To Bless the Space between Us” by John O'Donohue, Doubleday
Dr Bob McBrien, Salisbury, Maryland, USA
Developing our ability to find a good laugh each day contributes to an optimistic outlook on life. I read a quote by
I find that the ability to poke fun at life is a key trait of the happiest folks taking my tai chi for health classes. Sometimes finding the laugh of the day is easy when a newspaper headline is funnier than the cartoon page. Here are a few examples of headlines that got past the editors.
Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers
Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over
War Dims Hope for Peace
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges
New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group
Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.