Newsletter #98 - October 2009
-- Is it Appropriate for Christians to Participate in Tai Chi for Health Programs? Bruce Young
-- Tai Chi Compliments the Spiritual Life, Linda Longmire
-- Tai Chi for Arthritis, a Personal Experience…three years on, Maureen Worthen
-- How I Benefit from Tai Chi, Marlene Dunham
-- Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health, Bob McBrien
Rev Dr Bruce Young, a pastor in the First United Methodist Church of Lincoln in Maine, is a senior trainer and has taught and practiced tai chi for 15 years. His knowledge of tai chi has helped members of the church and the community to find a better and healthier way to live.
Linda Longmire sees tai chi as an integral part of ones spiritual life. Not only does tai chi compliment the spiritual life but the spiritual life compliments and deepens the tai chi experience. Read some of the responses from the Sisters of Charity in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
An instructor from the class evicted by the church in Tasmania, Maureen Worthen tells us a touching story of her personal journey with TCA.
Read how tai chi is helping Marlene Dunham cope with rehabilitation after a major operation.
A Road to Health and Harmony – DVD, a documentary on Tai Chi for Health
A Road to Health and Harmony – Photo CD, scenic photos from the making of the documentary
Buy "A Road to Health and Harmony" DVD and "A Road to Health and Harmony" Photo CD and receive a FREE Tai Chi for Health Power Point Presentation DVD worth USD $25.00 or AUD $25.00
The documentary provides information on the Tai Chi for Health program, its research and benefits. The presentation explains the scientific background of the program. You are welcome to share this material with friends or colleagues in gatherings or conferences; or pass it on to someone wanting to set up a class in a clinic or hospital and need some knowledge of the program. However duplicating for commercial sale is prohibited.
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor Training
October 10 – October 11, 2009. Barcelona, Spain
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
October 17 - October 18, 2009. Zurich, Switzerland
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
October 24 - October 25, 2009. Kingsland, GA, United States
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis and Fall Prevention Instructor Training
October 31 - November 1, 2009. Teller County, CO, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
November 7 - November 8, 2009. Sisters, OR, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
November 14 - November 15, 2009. Pleasant Hill, CA, United States
Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
December 14 - December 15, 2009. Seoul, Korea
Tai Chi @ Work Instructor Training
January 4 - January 9, 2010. Sydney, NSW, Australia
One Week Tai Chi Workshop
Yours in Tai Chi,
Paul Lam, M.D.
Rev. Dr. Bruce M. Young, Senior Trainer, Lincoln, ME, USA
Linda Longmire, physiotherapist, instructor, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I have had the privilege of working as a physiotherapist with the Sisters of Charity from Halifax, Nova Scotia,
In over 38 years of practice as a physiotherapist, I can say with confidence that teaching the Tai Chi for Arthritis program is definitely one of my favourite practices to offer others in promoting good health. It is simply a beautiful and pleasant means of creating relaxation, strength and balance. As well, tai chi nurtures gentleness on one’s self through the practice of fluid, gentle movements and the calming of one’s mind by focusing on being fully present with an attitude of non-judgment.
Aside from the important physical and mental benefits of Tai Chi for Arthritis, another significant benefit is how it compliments one’s spiritual life. Clearly, working in a convent with retired Sisters is a rare opportunity to experience this aspect of tai chi. From my experience with the Sisters, and personally in my own tai chi practice, I have noticed that not only does tai chi compliment the spiritual life but that indeed the spiritual life compliments and deepens our experience of tai chi.
While tai chi is not a spiritual practice, if one is so inclined, one may integrate the benefits of tai chi into one’s spiritual life which, if authentic, influences how we actually live our everyday life. If we are able to integrate the practice of moving with awareness and intention during tai chi, into living with awareness and intention, we begin to notice the connection with tai chi to the ideals of the committed spiritual path.
I’d like to share an experience during which one of the Sisters made a spontaneous comment which I feel points nicely to the connection of one’s interior and exterior self that both tai chi and the spiritual life cultivate. One day this Sister, who has early dementia and does not attend the class, inadvertently walked into the tai chi class. I invited her to stay. After watching a few complete routines of the movements, she said quietly “It’s so graceful.” And after the class, she gently responded with “Do you feel that graceful inside too?” I found her comments insightful; my personal experience with those with dementia is that their intuitive sense is actually heightened. This speaks well of how she was sensing the balance and connection between the gentleness of outer movement and the gentleness of interior being that both tai chi and the spiritual life support.
For those Sisters who have regularly attended the Tai Chi for Arthritis program, we can also see the interplay of how tai chi compliments their spiritual life when we listen to their responses as well:
“Tai Chi feels peaceful, calm and holy.”
“Tai Chi helps me to develop a more powerful spiritual presence, to live the present moment fully, and for me that is the greatest part of prayer and the spiritual life.”
“Tai Chi has made me more aware of the reality of the world, reality of creation…reality of God’s great love for all….”
“I used to feel agitated inside and I find that tai chi has calmed me .It is one of the most calming things I have experienced. Even my sister has noticed the calm in me. It feels like a prayer.”
“When I do tai chi in the morning, I find this helps me to become more alert and wide awake during my morning prayer.”
“Tai Chi, like meditation, helps me to become more present to the Presence within.”
The Sisters, and others who commit themselves to deepening their spirituality, have found that developing awareness, or the noticing aspect of the mind, nurtures a deepening of their interior life. Indeed within the spiritual path, it is well understood that awareness is the first step toward transformation. Performing tai chi on a regular basis cultivates awareness through the practice of being aware of the body moving slowly, being aware of the mind’s intention to have the body move, and being aware of the inner energy from which all movement flows.
The Sisters who are newcomers to the Tai Chi for Arthritis program soon learn that it is the fluidity and gentleness of both body and mind that is of benefit in a holistic way; they learn that it is alright to make a ‘mistake’ in their tai chi movements. This letting go of judgment, helps one to see more clearly what is happening, when it is happening .This allows the Sisters to make the necessary adjustments in a relaxed and supportive way. This gentleness of attitude and activity, which both tai chi and the spiritual life nurture, is a much needed antidote to the growing harshness in our world.
For the Sisters of Charity who have committed themselves to the spiritual life, the practice of tai chi compliments their intention to live wholly from the inside out, and supports their living gently with awareness and appreciation of the sacredness of the moment. For me, as a physiotherapist, it is truly a blessing to have the privilege to work with these wonderful women within their spiritual community, to be able to offer tai chi to them, and to enjoy the gentle practice of tai chi with them.
Maureen Worthen, instructor, Burnie, Tasmania, Australia
Marlene Dunham, student, Howlong, NSW, Australia
Cathy McGlone, Instructor, Albury, NSW, Australia
As the letter that Marlene wrote, she and her husband started tai chi about 4 - 5 years ago after attending a No Falls Programme that I was running. I taught tai chi in those classes and Marlene and Harry (her husband) loved the tai chi and decided to come to the beginner’s classes. They would travel from Howlong to Albury (about 30kms) every Thursday just for the class. This has been of great value to both of them. They have become very good friends with other members of the class.
Marlene was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer earlier this year; she has been undergoing chemotherapy at the Albury Base Hospital for several months. Marlene is feeling (mentally) ok but feels that she would like to feel better (physically). She concentrates on her breathing; this helps her get through the day. As she is unable to do any tai chi at the moment, she still visualises her movements on a daily basis.
Dr Bob McBrien, Salisbury, MD, USA
Just as medical and health scientists are studying the benefits of tai chi for people with chronic health conditions, researchers in the fields of neuroscience and psychology are studying the brain to discover why we laugh, and where in the brain our sense of humour resides. With modern tools of neuroscience (functional MRI and PET scans) researchers are learning what locations in the brain "light up" when we get the joke, and how using our funny brain can tune up our mind, help us learn, and stay mentally sharp, limber and creative.
In my essays here I have encouraged readers to choose positive humour and to seek a laugh, a joke or find the punch line daily. I think we all have a minimum daily requirement of laughter. Here are a few anecdotes about children to help readers get their MDR of humour today.
*Little Pete's parents wanted him to be a doctor and friend Tim's parents were hoping he would become a lawyer. Playing together one day Pete told Tim, "I want to play doctor." Tim replied, "Good. You operate and I'll sue you."
*I overheard a six year old boy tell his playmate, "Why do our parents make us go to bed when we are wide awake, and then make us get up when we are still sleepy?"
*A science teacher asked her third grade class, "What is the shape of the planet earth?" A boy in the back row called out, "Terrible!"
*Just before the Thanksgiving recess, the first grade teacher asked the class, "What do you have to be thankful for?" One youngster said, “I'm thankful that I'm not the turkey."
* The dentist told seven year old John he had to have a filling. "What kind of filling do you want?" he asked,
"Do you have chocolate?” was the reply.
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.