Newsletter #128 - April 2012
- A Message to the Tai Chi for Health Education and Research Centre in South Korea, Paul Lam
- Workshop for MT and ST Trainers in Zhuhai,China,March 2012, Monika Forstner, Fiona Black and Maureen Miller
- TCHI (Tai Chi for Health Institute) Approved to Provide Continuing Education, Jim Starshak
- Tai Chi for Health’s European Connection, Nuala Perrin
- Tai Chi Family, Caroline Demoise
- A Chinese New Year’s Tai Chi for Health Display in South Belfast, Suzanne Vaughan
- Feature Profile – Joanne Zeitler, Shelia Rae
- Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health, Bob McBrien
I will be conducting three workshops in Sydney this year.
1. Four concurrent workshops - 28th - 29th April
Tai Chi for Osteoporosis Instructor Training, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Arthritis Instructor Training, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Tai Chi for Arthritis Multiple Updates, Sydney, NSW, Australia
2. 7th - 8th July 2012
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Read Dr Lam’s congratulatory speech to the newly formed Tai Chi for Health Education and Research Centre in South Korea.
Monika Forstner, Fiona Black and Maureen Miller share with us their individual impression of the recent MT and ST workshop in Zuhai, China.
Jim Starshak informs how years of diligent work is paid off in 2012 as TCHI has been approved to provide continuing education credits for several health and fitness organizations, including the prestigious and internationally recognized American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).
Nuala Perrin reports how a group of enthusiastic European MTs and STs braved a semi arctic weekend in Northern Ireland to converge with the common goal of working together in harmony, sharing skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm and passing them on to their participants attending weekend workshops.
Caroline reflects on the benefits of being part of a tai chi family.
Suzanne Vaughan tells how a public display of TCH to open Chinese New Year celebration was central to promote integration of Chinese and Northern Irish people and their cultures in South Belfast, Northern Ireland.
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Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Aug 25-26, Townsville, QLD, Australia
Yours in Tai Chi,
A Message to the Tai Chi for Health Education and Research Centre, South Korea
Dr Paul Lam, Director, Tai Chi for Health Programs, Narwee, NSW, Australia
Monika Forstner, Senior Trainer, Zhuhai, China
Fiona Black, Master Trainer, Kogarah, NSW, Australia
Maureen Miller, Senior Trainer, St Marys, GA, USA
The theme of the week was “The Wholesome Jing”. One way to increase our Qi was with Chinese foods and teas. During the day we worked on transforming the Qi into Jing with practice in the respective styles of Tai Chi.
Maureen Miller wrote:
Jim Starshak, Chairperson of TCHI’s Governing Board’s, Master Trainer, Shawnee, KS, USA.
Tai Chi for Health’s European Connection
Nuala Perrin, Master Trainer, Lytham, Lancashire, UK
Inspired to 'spread the word' further into Europe, Master Trainers & Senior Trainers from all over the continent recently descended on Lorne House in Northern Ireland. Our aim? The common goal of working together in harmony, sharing our skills, knowledge, and enthusiasm and passing them on to our participants attending the weekend workshop.
Lorne house nestles beside the waters of Belfast Lough in beautiful Holywood, Co. Down. A Scottish baronial style house built in 1875; it takes its name from the Campbell clan in Scotland. It was purchased by the Ulster Guide Association in 1946 and is now used for conferences and events – with its own residential accommodation in the Coach House and the Brownie House. With a secluded wood and 21 acres of beautiful gardens, Lorne House afforded privacy and tranquillity in an idyllic setting.
And so, during a semi-arctic weekend, 4th/5th February, Master Trainers Ellen Reitsma, Roberto Crea and Nuala Perrin together with Senior Trainers Pamela McNutt and Linda Turner met up with an enthusiastic group of 24 participants coming from as far and near as England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Ireland as far down as Bantry Bay in the far south-west of Ireland. The bad weather could not dampen the enthusiasm of our five participants from Scotland who came over on the ferry in sub-zero temperatures – people who work voluntarily for the Dumfries and Galloway Health Board promoting 'Health in the Community'. We will be assisting them in extending their programme to the wider community.
Ellen endured a 3-hour delay on the runway in Basel watching snow and ice being scraped off her aircraft, then experienced the same sub-zero temperatures as Roberto at Heathrow, (Bologna Airport had been closed the previous day), whilst our friend from Bantry Bay motored all the way north in somewhat hostile conditions. In short, nothing was going to curb the enthusiasm of our group!
Participants comprised an eclectic mix of Physiotherapists, a Psychologist, Tai Chi Teachers, Occupational Health Therapists, and Tai Chi students – all keen to learn and then pass on their skills. During the two days we worked together with TCA, TCD, and Updates and in the evening we met up at a local restaurant to share notes and discuss the day over good food; a real sharing of spirits! Those who were residential met for breakfast the next day. We also enjoyed the Irish welcome of Tea/Coffee Breaks consisting of homemade scones and jam, and cakes (we did also have some fruit!!!) We all met up for Lunch, again homemade and supplied by Lorne House.
In fact, so busy were we that there was no time to indulge in Lorne House's many facilities – including archery, abseiling, river runs and bush craft!!!!!
However, we achieved our goal of Working Together in Europe – sharing knowledge, spirit and enthusiasm, providing an easy-learning platform of the Tai Chi for Health Programs for all participants and working together in harmony to achieve their goals.
The success of a shared workshop can only happen when there is a willingness to share knowledge, hearts, and minds with each other. MTs and STs believe we achieved our goal at this fantastic weekend of sharing, with each other and with the participants.
Tai Chi Family
Caroline Demoise, Master Trainer, Chapel Hill, NC, USA
Over the years my tai chi family has expanded from one teacher and a group of twenty people that I practiced with on a regular basis in various parks in San Diego to an eclectic international group of people that I see once in a blue moon, annually, several times a year, regularly or that I have only met in the virtual space of internet connection. When I began tai chi, I did not own a computer. Now it is hard to imagine being in the tai chi family without this ease of access and connection. In the past my focus was on one teacher. Today I learn from many teachers, colleagues, Google searches, amazing books that were not yet written back in 1984 and a variety of DVD’s.
My Chen sisters are a subset of my tai chi family who gather at my studio in Chapel Hill for semi-annual workshop retreats with our beloved teacher Dan. This special connection grew out of Sandra’s desire to learn Chen by 70 and dispel the myth that people over 60 were too old to learn Chen. Susan, Shelia and I resonated with that idea and so we initiated the Elder Chen movement within Dr Lam’s annual workshop, complete with a tee shirt to commemorate our progress.
Suzanne Vaughan, TCH instructor, Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK
As a former occupational therapist and now a TCH instructor, I am always promoting the benefits of tai chi - so
A Feature Profile - Joanne Zeitler - Quitman, AR, USA
Shelia Rae, Master Trainer, Memphis, TN, USA
The qualifications to become a ST (Senior Trainer) are clear, but because the duties of a ST are not so clearly defined, I would like to share with you what Joanne Zeitler has done on her own since she became an ST in 2007. Hopefully it will inspire other STs and instructors to think out of the box and come up with ideas and suggestions of their own.
Not only does Joanne set up workshops for me, her nominating MT, but has hosted other MTs as well. She organizes workshops in Jacksonville, Arkansas at the Community Centre where she also regularly teaches classes, driving an hour each way from her home in Quitman, Arkansas where she moved a few years ago when her architect husband retired. She enjoys her lake house, boat and daily fishing, weather permitting, but still manages to stay in touch with her own students and the instructors we have certified in her workshops in Jacksonville.
Joanne keeps in contact with all certified instructors that live within driving distance of Jacksonville, and offers free instructor practices four times a year; a gathering that has generated much participation and interest. She regularly sends out emails reminding the instructors how important it is to practice together and knows how many; especially in rural areas need feedback on their own tai chi as well as collaboration in how they might improve their classes. She had been doing these practice sessions for a few years when she had a brainstorm that if she offered some initiative more might attend, so she asked me if she could offer $ 5.00 off the cost of recertification for every practice session instructors attended. That simple incentive to bring more to the practice sessions has been successful in keeping attendance up, and last year one participant in a recertification workshop had accumulated so many credits that she paid only $ 55.00 for a $ 95.00 recertification workshop! It also pays dividends for me as well because with Joanne’s instruction, my work to recertify instructors that attend her sessions is so much easier.
Joanne also regularly presents TCH programs at community events. She is a speaker at the University of Arkansas for in-service trainings, which have generated interest in the programs, resulting in, may University Extension Agents becoming certified instructors.
I am proud to have her on my team, and when I told her I was writing this article about her, and asked for more information about herself as a ST, I received this email from her that I would like to share in her own words:
“Hi my MT!
I think most of the info I gave you when you asked about my ST stuff was pretty average - so here's some stuff that was really special to me: I did some tai chi presentations for the Arkansas Aging Annual Conference, the Arkansas State Teachers Annual Conference, & trained a group of professors & senior students from University of AR Little Rock in tai chi before their trip to China. But my very most special ST experiences have been our workshops together - especially the "road trips" - to train at the Arapahoe Indian Reservation, getting "snowed in" in Little Rock for the U of A Ext Svc Agents training, & most of all our awesome trip to China, which I wouldn't have been able to do if I weren't a ST! 🙂
Working with Paul & other MTs & STs at workshops in KC, Dallas, & Knoxville was so rewarding & I learned so much from everyone - including the workshop participants. And I love working with you selling TCP products & helping Anna with registrations, even though I don't need to be a ST to do that - it's still a great experience & another way for me to give back to you & Paul & the tai chi people I love so much. Joanne”
Humour, Laughter and Radiant Health
Dr Bob McBrien, Master Trainer, Salisbury, MD, USA
Web searches on humour and health result in many "hits." In a flash we are reminded of how much information is on the web waiting to be accessed. This month's essay is focused on the exercise benefits a good long belly laugh offers. Researcher Jared B. Cohen Ph.D. reported one surprising benefit. He has run many experiments on laughing at his laboratory in Newark, New Jersey, USA. His study showed that a hearty laugh strengthened the abdominal muscles of his subjects. Dr Cohen said, "Laughing not only helps your heart, but it also helps you look good for the beach".
Another researcher, Professor Gunther Sickl, reported that a one-minute episode of laughter has the same health benefits as a 45-minute gym workout. Sickl found that when up to 80 muscles are used during a hearty laugh, the blood pressure raises, the heart beats faster and blood oxygen levels increase. Sounds like a cardio workout to me. These exercise benefits offer another good reason to include our daily dose of health humour as we seek radiant health. The following "ponderisms" may help readers meet today's minimum daily requirement of health humour.
How is it one careless match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box to start a campfire?
If corn oil is made from corn, and vegetable oil is made from vegetables, then what is baby oil made from?
Does pushing the elevator button more than once make it arrive faster?
Why is it when you blow in a dog's face, he gets mad at you, but when he rides in your car, he sticks his head out the window? -
Have you noticed since everyone has a camcorder these days no
one reports seeing UFOs like they used to? -
Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up every two hours?
You never really learn to swear until you learn to drive
What disease did cured ham actually have?
Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.
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