Newsletter #155 - July 2014
#In this issue:
Click on the title above to read the articles, this link to read all previous newsletters and here to subscribe.
My 2015 One Week Sydney Workshop is going to be at my dream venue! I am designing an amazing tai chi retreat at a luxurious location with incredible views of Sydney harbour! Find out more with this video! See you there!
#Hello Everyone
We had an incredible time at the US One Week this year! Perhaps it was because I began with training twelve wonderful MTs in Tai Chi for Energy, followed by the world's first Tai Chi for Energy 2 workshop. It was a very exciting time; everyone told me they felt so enthusiastic and energised. We had a lot of new people at the annual workshop this year, and the group energy was tremendous.
There were some very good talks, demonstrations and seminars. I am looking forward to reviewing the photos and videos as soon as possible. I enjoyed every minute, from working intensively in the MT training to laughing until my sides hurt in the Talent Show!
You will remember that last month I mentioned my "blue shirt" vision. I'm happy to tell you the shirts are ready, and are being worn by many instructors in the UK, USA and Australia! You can purchase them through my website.
A friend sent me this hilarious article by Simon Doonan, a well-known US writer who has recently become addicted to my tai chi. I love his "blue shirted acolyte" image! Do have a look at this article while I go out to find a butterscotch bunny!
I have just finished a Tai Chi for Diabetes workshop at beautiful Anchorage, Alaska. There I reconnected with TCHI instructor Tim Chinn, who had been on Channel 2 KTUU television a couple of weeks before. Watch his interview.
My MTs have received a few queries recently about the need to complete update assignments. My Tai Chi for Arthritis is now recognised by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention as a highly effective, easily delivered and affordable intervention for falls prevention. It is a great honour for a tai chi program to receive endorsement from the world's most respected authority!
HOWEVER, the reason we received that endorsement is because of our excellent quality control. Study results are based on the fact that the instructors have been certified through our training workshops, and are currently qualified. Updating every two years elevates our instructors to professional status. Our standards and educational programs are constantly monitored and improved. Those instructors who allow the qualification to lapse are not authorised to use my name in their advertising.
The update is an opportunity for you to test your knowledge and if necessary refresh it by referring to the educational materials. Even as a qualified doctor of medicine I update my qualifications including first aid every few years, and I look forward to the training - which involves a great deal more work than the instructor update. Each time there is something new to learn, and I feel I reinforce my knowledge by attending the training. Plus of course I get to meet new friends - just like at a tai chi workshop!
As a tai chi practitioner I constantly work on improving my own tai chi and teaching methods. I was surprised and a little saddened to hear an instructor remark that with their ten year's teaching experience they didn't need to read my Teaching Tai Chi Effectively book. In total I spent seven years on the book, and it is distilled from my forty years of teaching experience, both in the medical and tai chi fields. It incorporates up to date research on medicine and learning. Many of my colleagues contributed their thoughts and knowledge, and we are rightfully very proud of the book.
We all have room for improvement, and it is part of the self-growth process to be open to new ideas and discussion. Recently I was in China, where the highly respected head of the traditional teachers association invited me to speak to his colleagues about my teaching methods. We had a long and fruitful meeting where we exchanged ideas about training. For such a venerable and traditional society to seek new ideas and advice is quite revolutionary, and I look forward to more opportunities to work with them.
In 2010, Prof Rhayun Song and colleagues did a study about people with arthritis and osteoporosis using Tai Chi for Arthritis for six months. This is the conclusion:
"A Randomized Study of the Effects of Tai Chi on Muscle Strength, Bone Mineral Density,
and Fear of Falling in Women with Osteoarthritis
Rhayun Song, R.N., Ph.D.,1 Beverly L. Roberts, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.,2 Eun-Ok Lee, R.N., D.N.S.,3
Paul Lam, M.D.,4 and Sang-Cheol Bae, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.5
Conclusions: Tai chi increased knee extensor muscle endurance and bone mineral density in older women with osteoarthritis, and decreased their fear of falling during daily activities. Further study with long-term follow-up is needed to substantiate the role of tai chi exercise in the prevention of falls and its related fractures."
On 2nd May the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention published a MMWR on falls in older adults with arthritis.
Our dear friend Jef Morris experienced a health challenge on the last day of the workshop, and is recovering steadily. Let us all send him our positive energy and love for a full recovery.
In this Newsletter:
This Month's Special
My newly released program, Tai Chi for Rehabilitation, gently leads the way to Tai Chi for Energy or Tai Chi for Diabetes.
Buy Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and receive a 10% discount.
Click here to place your order. Please use coupon code TCR0714
Upcoming Workshops by Dr Paul Lam
Oct 09-10 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Jekyll Island, GA, United States
Oct 11-12 Tai Chi for Energy Part 2
Jekyll Island, GA, United States
Caldera, OR, United StatesJuly 2014
Many other workshops conducted by my authorised master trainers are listed on the Workshop Calendar.
Yours in Tai Chi,
Paul Lam, MD
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#From Health to Beginners to Intermediate: A DVD Trilogy
Dr Paul Lam
I created Tai Chi for Energy to encourage younger people to try tai chi (although it has proved very popular with all ages), and to provide the feel of the power of Chen style for those who are new to it. As I travel I often meet people who have discovered the health benefits of tai chi, and they frequently describe an initial stage where they had difficulty mastering even the simplest moves after a serious illness or injury. Those conversations planted the seed of Tai Chi for Rehabilitation in my mind - a simple achievable form with hidden depth. I was busy developing the sequel to Tai Chi for Energy whilst considering this simpler form, and then it dawned on me - what Tai Chi for Energy needed was not just a sequel, but a prequel!
Tai Chi for Rehabilitation is infinitely modifiable. It can be used to aid recovery, facilitate relaxation or simply as a quick wind down after a busy day. It leads seamlessly into Tai Chi for Energy. After Tai Chi for Energy there is the more demanding Tai Chi for Energy 2. The trilogy begins with a Health form, moves to a Beginners Form, and ends with an intermediate form. It guides the beginner through a series of moves which subtly build into a sophisticated sequence which will satisfy the needs of every practitioner.
Originally I had not planned to create a DVD for TCE2, but the DVDs for both Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and Tai Chi for Energy 2 are now ready for purchase, and they were very popular at the June One Week Workshop. Over the next three issues I will tell you more about the trilogy, beginning with a free lesson for Tai Chi for Rehabilitation next month.
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#New Opportunities with FLEX/SilverSneakers
Shelia Rae, Master Trainer and TCHI Board Member, Memphis
It is said "The only thing that is constant is change", which must be realized and embraced personally and also in the 'business' of tai chi.
When the Arthritis Foundation announced they were going to a referral system for their life improvement courses, they agreed to and have introduced us to other organizations that would be interested in partnering with TCHI and our Master Trainers.
One of the organizations that the AF recommended was FLEX/ SilverSneakers.
Negotiations between Dr Lam and FLEX/SilverSneakers, resulted in a signed contract with them to include TCH instructors in their recommended programs. Any currently certified instructor is welcome to contact Parker McCarthy on for more information on how to apply to become a FLEX instructor on the merit of TCHI certification.
Although FLEX/SilverSneakers is a partner for us at a grass root level, it does have the potential to grow and introduce TCH to its many subscribers through the SilverSneakers programs.
I've always believed when one door closes, another opens, and the flex program does provide an open door for us to explore and expand TCH and gives our instructors another avenue for classes.
I would like for all of us vested in TCHI, whether on the board or MT/ST or instructor to help with other ideas and contact any other organizations that you think might have the potential to become partners. Send your ideas to the board and we will work with you to turn your suggestions into having more partners supporting TCH.
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#A New Program from SilverSneakers
FLEX Senior Account Manager Parker J. McCarthy
Hello Tai Chi for Health Instructors,
The SilverSneakers Fitness program would like to introduce a new program called FLEX!! The FLEX program is designed to attract members who typically don’t visit a gym/fitness center or need more variety, ease of access or a different customer experience. The program will engage those members by leveraging non-traditional SilverSneakers classes and activities such as Zumba®, tai chi, yoga, walking groups, etc. at venues throughout the community.
SilverSneakers is hiring instructors as independent contractors to help lead this new program. It's different because it takes the activities to the SilverSneakers members. Venues can include studios, community and senior centers, churches, parks and other safe, comfortable environments, existing or to be determined.
FLEX instructors establish their own classes. You will receive compensation based on member participation but also will have opportunities to make additional revenue by including non-SilverSneakers members to join your classes. If you are an independent instructor licensed by SilverSneakers or a certified fitness professional this is your opportunity to join the FLEX team!
Ready to get started?
Step 1: Go to Instructor link: - more information about becoming a FLEX instructor is listed on this page
Step 2: Create your profile on the Instructor Resource Center (IRC).
Step 3: After signing up on the IRC you will receive notification of next steps via email.
*Feel free to forward this email onto other instructors who you think may be interested and would be qualified.
For any questions please email:
Best in Health
FLEX Senior Account Manager Parker J. McCarthy
Phone: 480-444-5247
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China Archives - Dr Lam's China Tour family share their experiences
#Part Four: To and From Xiamen
Richard Askwith, Instructor, Michigan
Yesterday we flew from Wuyishan to Xiamen which was pretty interesting in an unexpected way. The main event was maybe the Piano Museum which had two buildings worth of antique pianos on display with explanatory placards next to most of the pianos. The great thing about that was the cards were in both Chinese and English so it was possible to understand why the particular piano was on display (Frankly, many of them looked the same). The strangest piano, in my opinion, was a piano that didn't conform to the ordinary rectangular shape (viewed from above) of a piano but instead was shaped as two sides of a square. The keyboard was short, maybe three feet in length, and was also shaped as two sides of a square. That is to say, half of the keyboard went in one direction, let's say east, and the other half was affixed to the eastern end of the first one, but went due south. Like a carpenter's square. I can't imagine how anyone could possibly play it and unfortunately there was no sign for that particular piano.
The most interesting thing for the entire day occurred on the bus that was taking us to the airport. I think the bus ride was about an hour ride and at that point we had two guides. One guide, named Oh Yang, is our guide for the entire day. The other, named Spring, was our local guide for Wuyishan. Both guides are young (in their twenties) and extremely sincere and unintentionally charming. During the bus ride people on the bus started talking about singing and someone asked Spring to sing a song. Surprisingly, she did, but first explained the meaning of the song because it was in Chinese. She explained that it was a Chinese folk song about the singer's love of his home town. The song was quite enjoyable and she got a big hand by the twenty of us.
Then people wanted Oh Yang to sing and she also agreed, and told us beforehand what the song was about because it would be in Chinese. She explained that it was from a Chinese opera and went into a lengthy bewildering explanation which I am 90% certain no one understood. Then she sang and it was incredibly beautiful. Of course there was another big applause. Then Deborah Dunne-Yonke was encouraged to sing a song. I believe it was recommended for her to sing some jazz but she couldn't think of a good one to sing and she ended up singing "Amazing Grace", and explaining the meaning of the song to those not immersed in western culture.
It looked like the singing was over but then Simon Yuen from Singapore, went up to the front of the bus and asked for the mike. He said he would like to sing a song as well, if it was ok with us. Of course it was. He said he would sing "I did it my way", which he did. The unusual thing was although he can speak English he sang it in Japanese. His singing was serious and with great emotion, very much like Mr. Sinatra's, except for the Japanese words.
The whole thing was quite surreal, driving along a Chinese road singing Chinese and Western folk, opera and iconic songs, especially the Sinatra song sung in Japanese.
Once we got to Xiamen we went to a thousand year old Buddhist temple, which was beautiful and all but pretty much like a normal beautiful Buddhist temple, except more interesting here in China because virtually all the people there, and there were an awful lot of them, were Chinese and most of them were doing prayers and deep bows and lighting incense while the monks were inside where the public weren't allowed, chanting and drumming. In other words it was not a stage play. It was well worth visiting even if you don't like crowds.
This morning we did our usual hour long tai chi practice in the morning. There was no appropriate room in the hotel so went outside and sort of commandeered the sidewalk in front of a shopping area, which seemed fine because the stores hadn't opened yet. We did our usual thing of splitting up in two parts, one doing the 24 Forms and the other doing the 73 Form. We were doing Dr Lam's warm ups when suddenly a Chinese lady ran up to Dr Lam and started talking fast and excitedly to him. Turns out she was thrilled to see us doing tat chi or I guess I should say qigong. Dr Lam invited her to join in and she did, although of course she didn't know Dr Lam's warm up exercises. He explained the movements to her in Chinese and she did fine. Then he told her we were going to do the 24 Forms and invited her to participate, or perhaps he didn't ask her but she certainly did participate and so did her 5 companions. Her tai chi was very advanced and her companions, who seemed ages maybe 40 to 70, also knew the 24 Forms. We did a couple of sets and everyone had a good time, despite the fact that most of the touring group doesn't have a clue about speaking Chinese.
Then we left Xiamen and now we're in Shantou, and have checked into the Shantou Golden Gulf Hotel, where we'll stay for three nights. We're particularly looking forward to tomorrow because we'll be visiting Dr Lam's home town, which is apparently near Shantou.
Next month: The Beginning of the End
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#Humor, Laughter and Radiant Health
by Dr Bob McBrien, Master Trainer, Salisbury, Maryland
July in North America means we are in full summer, the school year is over, teachers and students are on summer break and hopefully, are having fun and recreation.
For almost nine years I have been writing about the benefits of healthy/positive humor to body, mind and spirit. When we practice tai chi and qigong and when we find positive forms of humor daily we are promoting radiant health. We can laugh at our imperfections, search each day's events for a bit of wit or a source for laughter and use our "beginner's mind" when we find humor in the innocent actions of young children.
This month's contribution to your humor library is from USA public school teachers' archives. These excuse notes from parents (with their original spelling), are collected by schools from all over the USA.
And my favorite:
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Do visit TCHC USA and 'like' it!
Warning: Dr Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.
Visit Dr Lam's Website
The complete list of newsletters
Click on the title above to read the articles, this link to read all previous newsletters and here to subscribe.
My 2015 One Week Sydney Workshop is going to be at my dream venue! I am designing an amazing tai chi retreat at a luxurious location with incredible views of Sydney harbour! Find out more with this video! See you there!
#Hello Everyone
There were some very good talks, demonstrations and seminars. I am looking forward to reviewing the photos and videos as soon as possible. I enjoyed every minute, from working intensively in the MT training to laughing until my sides hurt in the Talent Show!
You will remember that last month I mentioned my "blue shirt" vision. I'm happy to tell you the shirts are ready, and are being worn by many instructors in the UK, USA and Australia! You can purchase them through my website.
A friend sent me this hilarious article by Simon Doonan, a well-known US writer who has recently become addicted to my tai chi. I love his "blue shirted acolyte" image! Do have a look at this article while I go out to find a butterscotch bunny!
My MTs have received a few queries recently about the need to complete update assignments. My Tai Chi for Arthritis is now recognised by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention as a highly effective, easily delivered and affordable intervention for falls prevention. It is a great honour for a tai chi program to receive endorsement from the world's most respected authority!
HOWEVER, the reason we received that endorsement is because of our excellent quality control. Study results are based on the fact that the instructors have been certified through our training workshops, and are currently qualified. Updating every two years elevates our instructors to professional status. Our standards and educational programs are constantly monitored and improved. Those instructors who allow the qualification to lapse are not authorised to use my name in their advertising.
The update is an opportunity for you to test your knowledge and if necessary refresh it by referring to the educational materials. Even as a qualified doctor of medicine I update my qualifications including first aid every few years, and I look forward to the training - which involves a great deal more work than the instructor update. Each time there is something new to learn, and I feel I reinforce my knowledge by attending the training. Plus of course I get to meet new friends - just like at a tai chi workshop!
We all have room for improvement, and it is part of the self-growth process to be open to new ideas and discussion. Recently I was in China, where the highly respected head of the traditional teachers association invited me to speak to his colleagues about my teaching methods. We had a long and fruitful meeting where we exchanged ideas about training. For such a venerable and traditional society to seek new ideas and advice is quite revolutionary, and I look forward to more opportunities to work with them.
In 2010, Prof Rhayun Song and colleagues did a study about people with arthritis and osteoporosis using Tai Chi for Arthritis for six months. This is the conclusion:
"A Randomized Study of the Effects of Tai Chi on Muscle Strength, Bone Mineral Density,
and Fear of Falling in Women with Osteoarthritis
Rhayun Song, R.N., Ph.D.,1 Beverly L. Roberts, R.N., Ph.D., F.A.A.N.,2 Eun-Ok Lee, R.N., D.N.S.,3
Paul Lam, M.D.,4 and Sang-Cheol Bae, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.5
Conclusions: Tai chi increased knee extensor muscle endurance and bone mineral density in older women with osteoarthritis, and decreased their fear of falling during daily activities. Further study with long-term follow-up is needed to substantiate the role of tai chi exercise in the prevention of falls and its related fractures."
On 2nd May the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention published a MMWR on falls in older adults with arthritis.
Our dear friend Jef Morris experienced a health challenge on the last day of the workshop, and is recovering steadily. Let us all send him our positive energy and love for a full recovery.
In this Newsletter:
- Dr Lam tells us about his exciting new trilogy
- Shelia Rae is excited about new opportunities for TCH instructors
- Parker J McCarthy tells us about FLEX/SilverSneakers
- Richard Askwith writes home from China
- Dr Bob McBrien dispenses his regular dose of humour
This Month's Special
My newly released program, Tai Chi for Rehabilitation, gently leads the way to Tai Chi for Energy or Tai Chi for Diabetes.
Buy Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and receive a 10% discount.
Click here to place your order. Please use coupon code TCR0714
Upcoming Workshops by Dr Paul Lam
Jul 03-04, Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jul 05-06, Tai Chi for Diabetes Instructor Training
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Jul 06-06 Tai Chi for Arthritis Multiple Update
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Pukekohe, New Zealand
Pukekohe, New Zealand
Townsville, QLD, Australia
Townsville, QLD, Australia
Aug 16-17 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Torrensville, SA, Australia
Sep 10-11 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Shelburne, VT, United States
Sep 13-14 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
East Longmeadow, MA, United States
Sep 18-19 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Chicago, IL, United States
Sep 20-21 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Chicago, IL, United States
Sep 27-28, Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Aug 16-17 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Torrensville, SA, Australia
Sep 10-11 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Shelburne, VT, United States
Sep 13-14 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
East Longmeadow, MA, United States
Sep 18-19 Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Chicago, IL, United States
Sep 20-21 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Chicago, IL, United States
Sep 27-28, Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Asheville, NC, United States
Oct 09-10 Tai Chi for Energy Instructor Training
Jekyll Island, GA, United States
Oct 11-12 Tai Chi for Energy Part 2
Jekyll Island, GA, United States
Oct 16-17. Tai Chi Energy Instructor Training
Hurst, TX, United States
Oct 16-17. Tai Chi 4 Kidz Instructor Training
Hurst, TX, United States
Oct 18-19. Exploring the Depth of Tai Chi for Arthritis
Hurst, TX, United States
Caldera, OR, United StatesJuly 2014
Many other workshops conducted by my authorised master trainers are listed on the Workshop Calendar.
Yours in Tai Chi,
Paul Lam, MD
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#From Health to Beginners to Intermediate: A DVD Trilogy
Dr Paul Lam
Tai Chi for Rehabilitation is infinitely modifiable. It can be used to aid recovery, facilitate relaxation or simply as a quick wind down after a busy day. It leads seamlessly into Tai Chi for Energy. After Tai Chi for Energy there is the more demanding Tai Chi for Energy 2. The trilogy begins with a Health form, moves to a Beginners Form, and ends with an intermediate form. It guides the beginner through a series of moves which subtly build into a sophisticated sequence which will satisfy the needs of every practitioner.
Originally I had not planned to create a DVD for TCE2, but the DVDs for both Tai Chi for Rehabilitation and Tai Chi for Energy 2 are now ready for purchase, and they were very popular at the June One Week Workshop. Over the next three issues I will tell you more about the trilogy, beginning with a free lesson for Tai Chi for Rehabilitation next month.
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#New Opportunities with FLEX/SilverSneakers
Shelia Rae, Master Trainer and TCHI Board Member, Memphis
When the Arthritis Foundation announced they were going to a referral system for their life improvement courses, they agreed to and have introduced us to other organizations that would be interested in partnering with TCHI and our Master Trainers.
One of the organizations that the AF recommended was FLEX/ SilverSneakers.
Negotiations between Dr Lam and FLEX/SilverSneakers, resulted in a signed contract with them to include TCH instructors in their recommended programs. Any currently certified instructor is welcome to contact Parker McCarthy on for more information on how to apply to become a FLEX instructor on the merit of TCHI certification.
Although FLEX/SilverSneakers is a partner for us at a grass root level, it does have the potential to grow and introduce TCH to its many subscribers through the SilverSneakers programs.
I've always believed when one door closes, another opens, and the flex program does provide an open door for us to explore and expand TCH and gives our instructors another avenue for classes.
I would like for all of us vested in TCHI, whether on the board or MT/ST or instructor to help with other ideas and contact any other organizations that you think might have the potential to become partners. Send your ideas to the board and we will work with you to turn your suggestions into having more partners supporting TCH.
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#A New Program from SilverSneakers
FLEX Senior Account Manager Parker J. McCarthy
The SilverSneakers Fitness program would like to introduce a new program called FLEX!! The FLEX program is designed to attract members who typically don’t visit a gym/fitness center or need more variety, ease of access or a different customer experience. The program will engage those members by leveraging non-traditional SilverSneakers classes and activities such as Zumba®, tai chi, yoga, walking groups, etc. at venues throughout the community.
SilverSneakers is hiring instructors as independent contractors to help lead this new program. It's different because it takes the activities to the SilverSneakers members. Venues can include studios, community and senior centers, churches, parks and other safe, comfortable environments, existing or to be determined.
FLEX instructors establish their own classes. You will receive compensation based on member participation but also will have opportunities to make additional revenue by including non-SilverSneakers members to join your classes. If you are an independent instructor licensed by SilverSneakers or a certified fitness professional this is your opportunity to join the FLEX team!
Ready to get started?
Step 1: Go to Instructor link: - more information about becoming a FLEX instructor is listed on this page
Step 2: Create your profile on the Instructor Resource Center (IRC).
Step 3: After signing up on the IRC you will receive notification of next steps via email.
*Feel free to forward this email onto other instructors who you think may be interested and would be qualified.
For any questions please email:
Best in Health
FLEX Senior Account Manager Parker J. McCarthy
Phone: 480-444-5247
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China Archives - Dr Lam's China Tour family share their experiences
#Part Four: To and From Xiamen
Richard Askwith, Instructor, Michigan
The most interesting thing for the entire day occurred on the bus that was taking us to the airport. I think the bus ride was about an hour ride and at that point we had two guides. One guide, named Oh Yang, is our guide for the entire day. The other, named Spring, was our local guide for Wuyishan. Both guides are young (in their twenties) and extremely sincere and unintentionally charming. During the bus ride people on the bus started talking about singing and someone asked Spring to sing a song. Surprisingly, she did, but first explained the meaning of the song because it was in Chinese. She explained that it was a Chinese folk song about the singer's love of his home town. The song was quite enjoyable and she got a big hand by the twenty of us.
Then people wanted Oh Yang to sing and she also agreed, and told us beforehand what the song was about because it would be in Chinese. She explained that it was from a Chinese opera and went into a lengthy bewildering explanation which I am 90% certain no one understood. Then she sang and it was incredibly beautiful. Of course there was another big applause. Then Deborah Dunne-Yonke was encouraged to sing a song. I believe it was recommended for her to sing some jazz but she couldn't think of a good one to sing and she ended up singing "Amazing Grace", and explaining the meaning of the song to those not immersed in western culture.
It looked like the singing was over but then Simon Yuen from Singapore, went up to the front of the bus and asked for the mike. He said he would like to sing a song as well, if it was ok with us. Of course it was. He said he would sing "I did it my way", which he did. The unusual thing was although he can speak English he sang it in Japanese. His singing was serious and with great emotion, very much like Mr. Sinatra's, except for the Japanese words.
The whole thing was quite surreal, driving along a Chinese road singing Chinese and Western folk, opera and iconic songs, especially the Sinatra song sung in Japanese.
Once we got to Xiamen we went to a thousand year old Buddhist temple, which was beautiful and all but pretty much like a normal beautiful Buddhist temple, except more interesting here in China because virtually all the people there, and there were an awful lot of them, were Chinese and most of them were doing prayers and deep bows and lighting incense while the monks were inside where the public weren't allowed, chanting and drumming. In other words it was not a stage play. It was well worth visiting even if you don't like crowds.
This morning we did our usual hour long tai chi practice in the morning. There was no appropriate room in the hotel so went outside and sort of commandeered the sidewalk in front of a shopping area, which seemed fine because the stores hadn't opened yet. We did our usual thing of splitting up in two parts, one doing the 24 Forms and the other doing the 73 Form. We were doing Dr Lam's warm ups when suddenly a Chinese lady ran up to Dr Lam and started talking fast and excitedly to him. Turns out she was thrilled to see us doing tat chi or I guess I should say qigong. Dr Lam invited her to join in and she did, although of course she didn't know Dr Lam's warm up exercises. He explained the movements to her in Chinese and she did fine. Then he told her we were going to do the 24 Forms and invited her to participate, or perhaps he didn't ask her but she certainly did participate and so did her 5 companions. Her tai chi was very advanced and her companions, who seemed ages maybe 40 to 70, also knew the 24 Forms. We did a couple of sets and everyone had a good time, despite the fact that most of the touring group doesn't have a clue about speaking Chinese.
Then we left Xiamen and now we're in Shantou, and have checked into the Shantou Golden Gulf Hotel, where we'll stay for three nights. We're particularly looking forward to tomorrow because we'll be visiting Dr Lam's home town, which is apparently near Shantou.
Next month: The Beginning of the End
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#Humor, Laughter and Radiant Health
by Dr Bob McBrien, Master Trainer, Salisbury, Maryland
For almost nine years I have been writing about the benefits of healthy/positive humor to body, mind and spirit. When we practice tai chi and qigong and when we find positive forms of humor daily we are promoting radiant health. We can laugh at our imperfections, search each day's events for a bit of wit or a source for laughter and use our "beginner's mind" when we find humor in the innocent actions of young children.
This month's contribution to your humor library is from USA public school teachers' archives. These excuse notes from parents (with their original spelling), are collected by schools from all over the USA.
- My son is under a doctor's care and should not take P.E. today. Please execute him.
- Please excuse Jason for being absent yesterday. He had a cold and could not breed well.
- Please exkuce Pam for being absent from skool. She was sick and I took her to the doctor's and had her shot.
- Please exscuse Cecil being absent on June 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, and also 33.
- Please excuse Marvin from Physical Education lessons for a few days. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip.
- John has been absent because he had two teeth taken out of his face.
- Chris will not be in school cus he has an acre in his side.
- Please excuse Ray from school. He has very loose vowels.
- Please excuse Pedro from being absent yesterday. He had (diahre) (dyrea) (direathe) the runs.
- Please excuse Eddie for being. It was his father's fault.
And my favorite:
- Please excuse Jennifer for missing school yesterday. We forgot to get the Sunday paper off the porch, and when we found it Monday, we thought it was Sunday!
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Do visit TCHC USA and 'like' it!
Warning: Dr Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.
Visit Dr Lam's Website
The complete list of newsletters