
Zoom: TCHI Recertifications only - Closed to New Instructors - w/Bill & Linda

When and Where

Date: Aug 8th 2025
Time: 10:00 am - 3:30 pm EST
Address: Virtual Workshop using ZOOM
Comfort of your own living environment
United States



This Virtual workshop is only for 2-year Tai Chi for Health program(s) recertifications.  

Register early: At least three (3) weeks before the workshop date is recommended.

Recertifications will be conducted in 2 Parts.

All instructors/leaders for the Tai Chi for Health programs must renew their certifications every two years to update their skills and knowledge of the program(s). Dr. Lam and the Tai Chi for Health Institute (TCHI) also recommend that everyone complete his new Self-Paced Instructor Preparation Package (SIPP) for their next recertification. The SIPP replaces the paper or Google Docs forms used in the past for homework. It has updated information on fall prevention, new Knowledge Units, and quizzes for instructors. 

The SIPP is required if it has been over two (2) years since your last recertification.  Register first - Instructions will be sent to acquire the SIPP.  It retails for $80 (discount rate is $56), reflected in the costs below. Individuals will be instructed to obtain a copy of SIPP.  Existing TCA instructors usually complete the SIPP in 15-20 hours. Please allow ample time before the workshop.  Completing the SIPP and recording videos of you teaching a move using the stepwise teaching method and doing the warmups and TCA form(s) are required as homework before the Zoom meeting.

Part 2 Recertifications: Attend the Zoom Interactive Workshop Training
Attending the workshop with the MT will further improve your tai chi, give you a chance to discuss and ask questions, and meet other instructors.  If you have conflicts with this workshop date, don't hesitate to contact the MT for other correspondence options.

When your training and optional Zoom Session are complete, you will be updated as a qualified instructor on Dr. Lam's website.  The final step to be listed on the website as a Board Certified Instructor is to pay the annual membership fee of $25 ($40 AUS).  Instructions and a link for this payment will be sent to each participant who completes the workshop.  This will be discussed in more detail at the workshop, and for more info on this, visit http://taichiforhealthinstitute.org//faq-for-becoming-a-board-certified-instructor/


Prices are in USD and include TCA, TCAFP, & STCA Recertification:
$200 - SIPP Certificate earned in the last two (2) years. (send a copy of your previous certificate)
$200 - SIPP Not included (Individual purchase of the SIPP $56 - MT 30% discount will be sent)
$256 - SIPP Included (Agency, Corporate, or University accounts - please note in comments when registering - payment verification required)

Recertify other programs at $60/each (i.e., TCA2, TCD, TCO, TCB, etc.). Additional homework & instructions will follow as needed.

An invoice will be sent. You can pay with a check, money order, or credit card (Note: 3.4% is added for the cc fee).

There will be a $50 administration fee for non-emergency cancellations within two (2) weeks of the workshop. 

The participant is responsible for purchasing or having the following required resource materials.

*Teaching Tai Chi Effectively Book*https://us.taichiproductions.com/books/teaching-tai-chi-effectively/
*Tai Chi for Arthritis & Fall Prevention Handbook*https://us.taichiproductions.com/books/tai-chi-for-arthritis/
**Optional - Membership in the Tai Chi for Health Institute(TCHI) after qualification**

* Resource Materials may be purchased through Tai Chi Productions at www.taichiproductions.com or (906) 217-2000. *Participants: Use the promo code MTWS20 for 20% off the TTE Book and TCAFP Handbook at the Tai Chi Productions website (not valid on Amazon).


ZOOM workshop or private virtual meeting with Master Trainer Bill Pickett

Location can be anywhere with computer and internet access


Bill Pickett Instructor - Master Trainer
(865) 567-4837 billpickett20@gmail.com

Linda Pickett instructor - Senior Trainer
(865) 414-7334 lpickett@tds.net