
Tai Chi for Life with Heihachiro Takarabe

When and Where

Date: 6 Apr 2025 - 6 Apr 2024
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Address: Olsemyer Center
United States



What is Tai Chi for Life?

Tai Chi for Life is an innovative and easy to learn program incorporating daanyone can benefit from this programncing and fun, designed for beginners and seniors to improve balance and strength. Tai Chi for Life incorporates Dr Lam’s forty years' experience in tai chi, medicine and positive psychology into an easy and fun program that almost anyone can learn.

Reasons to come

  • To enjoy working with Doctor Lam's authorised Master Trainer
  • To learn how to gently encourage and empower even the most debilitated participants
  • To deepen your understanding of tai chi principles
  • To meet like-minded colleagues and share their enthusiam
  • To learn an easy and fun program to share with your participants
  • This can be a useful tool for physical therapists and their clients


Best way is to find out for yourself

Who can Attend?

Anyone is welcome to attend, but in order to be eligible to be certified as an instructor you must already hold a valid TCHI Instructor Certificate and be Board Certified, plus have a current CPR certificate.                    



About the creator of this program - Dr Paul Lam

Dr Paul Lam, a retired family physician in Sydney, Australia, is a world leader in the field of tai chi for health improvement.  The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC.gov) recommends his Tai Chi for Arthritis Program.

Dr Lam has been studying tai chi for over forty years.  He is proficient in different styles and has created several Tai Chi for Health programs that have improved the health of millions of people worldwide.

He is one of the most sought after tai chi teachers having trained thousands of instructors.  Dr Lam has written several tai chi books including Teaching Tai Chi Effectively and Tai Chi for Beginners and the 24 Forms.  His instructional DVDs and online lessons are best sellers around the world.


Prepare by working with the Tai Chi for Life DVD or online lessons as much as possible. It will enable you to gain the maximum benefits and enjoyment from this workshop.  Materials are available from www.taichiproduction.com

Study Dr Lam's Teaching Tai Chi Effectively book.

Registered participants are entitled to a 20% discount on materials.

A discount code will be sent with your confirmation email.



At this workshop qualified instructors will have an opportunity to update their existing qualifications. There is an administration fee and you will need to complete a written assignment and submit it two weeks before the workshop, plus meet the requirements.

NB: Assignments submitted late incur an admin fee.


What to Wear

Wear loose comfortable clothes and flat shoes suitable for exercise. 


TCL workshop, at Oldemyer Center, Seaside, CA, 93855.  

Requires SIPP TCL


Fees:  $150.00,   Early Bird $125.00


983 Hilby Avenue, Seaside CA 93955



Heihachiro Takarabe, takarabe@comcast.net
