
Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis with Meghan Bryant

When and Where

Date: May 16th 2025
Time: 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT
Address: Bill Crisp Senior Center
7560 Raeford Rd
United States



This additional certification, as a part of the Tai Chi for Arthritis series, is a modification many appreciate having!  

This workshop is designed with New Instructors to this program in mind.  There are several required elements to complete and then pass.

This Full Day Instructor Workshop:

  • Requires those attending as an instructor to already be certified in TCA. 

  • There is prep work of reviewing forms, so new participants need to allow 3 weeks before the workshop date

Tuition includes: Afternoon refreshments and discount codes for Materials 

Materials to be ordered:  Seated Tai Chi for Arthritis DVD or Online lessons (Please allow 2 weeks minimum to review)

Items to have with you:

  • Shoes (that surround the heel will be worn during the workshop),
  • Pen & paper for notes,
  • Snacks if you have specific needs,
  • Layers for climate control and perhaps outside accommodations,
  • Pillow/towels/blankets to provide your own cushion and height adjustment

Please note this should have already been paid when certified with TCA/FP, but in case you are doing them the same training time...

Board Certification Instructor fee not paid until after passing workshop to TCHI (not to trainer) 

Please read http://taichiforhealthinstitute.org/faq-for-becoming-a-board-certified-instructor/

This is paid once a year for all certificates and may be different than the certification date that is every 2 years.

To pass, there is a knowledge review & a forms check.  Safety is first in mind, which is why the CDC recommends us, so it is up to the Master Trainer to make sure you have key pieces to keep the Program Safe & Effective.

Seating is limited to 18 Seats.

Additional Training: Skill Builder being provided the day before to those that have needed extra time from past trainings and for others to fill remaining seats.  Please put in the comment section if you are going to be attending both in the comment section, so the invoice can reflect your desire to add the skill builder.  Please consider emailing Meghan when you register to assist in confirming if you are coming to finalize your training or coming just for fun. 


Meghan will send an invoice to you through Square after confirming what you have registered for.  Payment can be make by check or credit card.

*** New pricing structure has helpded to encourage us to get the Seated training as a part of the TCA Suite and to help encourage this to be done when it is freshly reviewed at a training. I have adjusted my pricing to be able to include those that were not able to add this at a past training.

New & Recert with local agency: will be covered if on list

New and within a TCA training within the last mo with Meghan: $50

New with a TCA training within 2-3 mo with Meghan: $100

All others New with TCA cert: $150

(discount code for materials purchase will be given after paid - approximate cost $25 with shipping)

Recerting and within a month of TCA training: $50 

Recerting beyond the mo: $100

*These prices have significantly decrease to encouage you to include this modification to your skill set.
**Please note that adjustments have been made to future training cost to accommodate additional cost absorbed by trainers in order for training to be provided.  These new cost are now in effect and are being implemented.  This new value adjustment is to help us maintain our standards to be able to support your efforts.  Please email Meghan if you are needing help in knowing if assistance is available for this or future trainings near you.

Skill Builder (prior day TCA/FP): $75 


Bill Crisp Senior Center     

7560 Raeford Rd,

Fayetteville, NC 28304


Meghan Bryant


Lashonda Gough as local coordinator 

Tracy Honeycutt as ST in training