
Zoom: Qigong for Health with Betty Scanlon

When and Where

Date: Aug 10th 2024
Time: 8:30 AM-4:30 PM US East Coast Time
Address: Virtual on Zoom
United States




Reasons to Come

  • To learn the Five Element Qigong with one of Dr Lam's authorised Master Trainers
  • To qualify as an instructor and teach the form to your participants
  •  To improve your own health

What is Qigong?
"Qigong" comes from two Chinese words. Qi is the life energy inside a person that circulates throughout the body to provide inner strength and maintain good health. Gong is a method of exercise in this context. So Qigong is an exercise which cultivates better and stronger Qi. The stronger Qi you have, the healthier and stronger you are.

Qigong is especially beneficial for health and mental relaxation. 

The 5 element Qigong is easy-to-earn and powerfully effective for health.

The Five Element Qigong
According to ancient Chinese philosophy, all things in the universe are made up of five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. These elements have different properties: earth nurtures all living beings, metal is sharp and changeable, water runs down and irrigate the earth while wood is characterised by growth and fire is hot.

The five elements represent five major internal organs of the body. They interrelate and influence each other. While one enhances another, they also negate each other. The positive relationships are: metal gives life to earth, earth gives life to water, water gives life to wood, wood to fire and so on.

The negative relationships also work in a continual circle; earth negates water, water negates fire, fire negates metal, metal negates wood and wood negates earth and so on. The 5 Element Qigong is based on this theory of nature, and is effective in promoting all aspects of health, including relaxation, mental concentration and cultivating Qi.

How to do Qigong well
The ultimate goal is to use your conscious mind to direct the Qi, use Qi to direct your physical body, thus combining the mind, Qi and body as one co-ordinated entity. This may sound challenging, but the actual learning and practice is relatively easy. With regular practice you will progress steadily to the ultimate goal. You will gain health benefits almost right from the start of your practice. The most enjoyable part is the practice, and the many health benefits you gain as you progress.


Who Can Come?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Five Element Qigong.  


Study Dr Lam's Qigong for Health DVD.

What to Wear

Wear loose comfortable clothes and flat shoes suitable for exercise.


At this workshop participants will have the opportunity to update their Tai Chi for Health qualifications.  Prior notice is essential and a written assignment must be submitted in advance.  An administration fee may apply.


This is a 1-day instructor qualification training.  Prior to this workshop, you must complete the Self-paced Instructor Preparation Package for Qigong for Health (SIPP-QFH), and forward a copy of your completion certificate to Betty:  TaiChi@comcast.net.

Once you register, you will receive information and a discount code to register for the SIPP-QFH.  This comprehensive package contains essential material to be a safe and effective tai chi instructor for the Qigong for Health program.  There are additional webinar videos included that will enhance your tai chi development.  You will have access to these lessons for a year.

You will also need to purchase and read a copy of the Teaching Tai Chi Effectively book.  This is available through www.TaiChiProductions.com (a discount code is available), or through Amazon.com.

During the live instructor training workshop we will review the material from the SIPP-QFH, including all of the movements.  Participants are expected to be able to perform the sequence of movements from memory, so follow along with Dr Lam on the SIPP-QFH lessons and practice each section until you can perform the movements from memory before moving on to the next section.

To prepare, please practice with the video lessons included.  Your preparation helps assure you become certified at the end of the training.  I make every effort to get everyone certified. Those that are not well prepared may require additional practice and an additional Zoom meeting to meet the standard for certification.  

This training will be held live on Zoom.  For a virtual workshop, it’s essential that you have a space where you can be seen from head to toe while being able to see your “monitor”.  The easiest way to do that is to connect your camera (webcam, phone, tablet, or laptop) to a larger TV screen. 

Following the training, those meeting the standard for Instructor Qualification will be invited to join the Tai Chi for Health Institute.  Your membership provides Instructor Certification to teach this form.  

This course has been approved for 14 CE Hours through:

  • Florida Board of Nursing
  • Florida Board of Occupational Therapy
  • Florida Board of Psychology
  • Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health Counseling



The workshop fee is $250 and does NOT include access to the SIPP-QFH lessons.  A discount code and instructions on how to register for the SIPP-QFH lessons will be provided after registration.

Payment can be made via check, Zelle, Venmo, PayPal, or credit card.  Information provided after registration. 

Update fee:  $150.

Additional Tai Chi for Health updates:  $35 each, must be arranged with Betty prior to the workshop.


Virtual on Zoom


Betty Scanlon:  TaiChi@comcast.net

Call or Text:  239-738-6058