
Tai Chi for Arthritis for Fall Prevention & TCA Instructor Training with Meghan Bryant

When and Where

Date: 10th - 11th Aug, 2024
Time: 10- 3pm EDT zone
Address: Mary Perry Ragsdale Family YMCA
900 Bonner Dr
Jamestown (Greensboro area)
United States



This Training course has 2 steps: 

SIPP: (formerly known as Stage 1)

  • Self-paced online lessons with discussions and instruction by Dr Lam
  • Codes are sent by Meghan for materials (SIPP & books) to be purchased after payment is received
  • Knowledege checks are administered through online portion to track learning
  • Completion certifcate is issued to provide for entry of Fast Track Training Workshop

Live Interactive Training Workshop: review by Master Trainer 

  • This portion of the Instructor Training will be on site for 2 Half days.   

Materials to be purchased by participants:  

First: link to TCA /FP SIPP (formerly Stage 1) + discount code

Second: from Tai Chi Productions: Bundle: Tai Chi for Arthritis handbook, Teaching Effectively book, TCA DVD (optional)

This workshop is designed with New Instructors to this program in mind.  There are several required elements in order to complete and then pass.

The Steps to Success are:

1. Register (Register a minimum of 3 weeks prior preferred):

  • Email Meghan if there is any trouble doing so. 
  • Materials will be ordered by participant and discount codes for nice savings available after payment
  • Meghan will send an invoice to confirm new or recerting, allowing Credit Card or check payment to be made

2. Pre-Workshop: (Required to have working knowledge before the workshop)

  • Receive materials and review them (SIPP link,  Teaching Tai Chi Effectively book, TCAFP handbook, TCA DVD) 
    • SIPP
      • has a certificate of completion to turn in before entering Training with MT
      • may take 20 hours to review if new and 5 hrs if very familiar
    • Teaching Tai Chi Effectively - Chapters 4 &6

3. Training Workshop

  • This workshop will be: 
    • Aug 10 10 am- 3 pm 
    • Aug 11 10 am- 3 pm 


In order to pass, there is a knowledge check & a forms check.  Safety is first in mind, which is why the CDC and other organizations (NCOA, etc.) recommend us, so it is up to the Master Trainer to make sure you have key pieces to keep the Program Safe and Effective.

In order to complete the process after passing, there is a final fee:
Board Certification Instructor fee is not paid until after the workshop to TCHI (not instructor) to allow the name to be posted on the website so the Institute and employers know you are current on certifications.  Current fee is $40 AUS

Seating limited to 18: 16 remaining (as of 7/2/24)

Recert-only options available- email Meghan for details on other days


After confirmation from Meghan, she will create an invoice to send to allow for payment by c.c. or check

New $305

Recert $165

** Additional cost for training: Materials will be purchased by participants

***After qualified: Board fee to Institute 

Additional recert only options available for those recerting within the past 2 yrs: Email Meghan for further details


Mary Perry Ragsdale Family YMCA

900 Bonner Dr,

Jamestown, NC 27282


Meghan Bryant
