Newsletter #61 - September 2006
In this issue:
-- From Me to You, by Dr Lam
--Using Learning Styles – The Learning Styles Buster, by Cynthia Fels, M.E.d, Senior Trainer
--Adapting tai chi to illness, by LeeAnn Tuesca, Senior Trainer
--A letter to Dr Lam from Carmel McDonald
--A tai chi class with a difference
Click on the titleabove to read the articles, this link to read all previous newsletters and here to subscribe.
I would like to invite you and your friends to the 9th annual tai chi workshop in January 2007 in Sydney, Australia. You will find it a most fulfilling and nurturing experience for your inner self. We have been working very hard to make it the most exciting annual workshop yet. For more information please go to the workshop calendar page.
In this newsletter:
As promised, here’s the second of a series of articles about effective teaching. Cynthia gave this valuable (and entertaining) talk, Using Learning Styles: The Learning Styles Buster, at a recent workshop. Those who were there will never forget the infamous ‘Yang Sisters’ rendition of the ‘Learning Style Buster’ song, which rounded out her presentation.
Like LeeAnn, you may sometimes have students tell you that they can’t come to class because they are too sick. So how do you adapt tai chi classes for individuals who are injured or whose capabilities are declining? Lee Ann is an occupational therapist with lots of experience in dealing with this type of situation.
Carmel attended the recent Tai Chi for Arthritis workshop in Mackay, Queensland and afterwards wrote this moving letter to Dr Lam explaining how tai chi has improved her quality of life.
And finally, have a look at some photos of what is arguably the most unusual Tai Chi for Arthritis class ever held.
Product of the month for September
Buy a copy of The 24 Forms as a DVD and get a 40% discount. The 24 Forms is based on Yang-style tai chi and is suitable for people who have already mastered Tai Chi for Beginners. It is gentle and graceful, contains all the essential principles of tai chi and is suitable for students of almost all levels of ability, age and physical fitness. The DVD also contains 6 Qigong exercises, especially beneficial for mental relaxation and 7 single movements, to make learning the 24 Forms easier.
For more information and to order your copy at our special price go to our online shop. When making your purchase, please quote SP0906 to get your special discount.
Product review of the month
Congratulations to HazelG of New Zealand who has won this month's prize of a tai chi music CD for this review of Dr Lam's and Nancy Kaye's new book Tai Chi for Beginners and the 24 Forms:
"Dr Lam recently visited Christchurch, New Zealand, to conduct a workshop, and brought with him the first two available copies of his new book ... by the end of the weekend both copies had certainly been thoroughly inspected. So the first (group) review is a unanimous 'Excellent' and now we are all waiting for our autographed copies to arrive." (Please note that this book will be available through the online shop very shortly. If you'd like to reserve an autographed copy of the book please send your details
You can read Hazel's full review in the Forum on the website.
Thank you Hazel for your review. Please email us at with your postal address so we can send your prize to you.
Enter your review of any of our products in the Forum and you will have a chance to win a tai chi music CD too.
Upcoming workshopsby Dr Lam
I will be conducting workshops in Barcelona, Manchester, Sweden, Zurich and then Memphis and Oregon, USA during late September and October. I look forward to seeing some of you at one of these workshops.
For more information about these and other workshops by myself and authorised master trainers or to register go to the workshops calendar page of the website.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Lam, M.D.
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Using Learning Styles – The Learning Styles Buster, by Cynthia Fels, M.E.d, Senior Trainer
I would like to share a story with you. Two good friends who were also Tai Chi teachers were talking. One asked the other how her Tai Chi Classes were going. Sunny said, “Oh, I don’t know. I am really a bit worried about them this time.” Her friend asked, “ Why? What do you mean? What’s wrong?” Sunny said, “Well let me explain: I have Valerie. She can’t ever remember anything that I have said. And there’s Annie. She is always talking and mumbling to herself, and if we try to practice quietly together she says, ‘Talk me through the moves. Talk me through the moves!’ Then there is Ken. Ken likes to move. Ken keeps moving, in fact, Ken never stops moving! If I ask him to watch a move, he is still moving. And there is Ted, dear, sweet Ted. No matter what I do, show him the moves, talk him through the moves, or move with him; he still doesn’t get it!”
Her friend replied. “Well I have to run, but hey, don’t worry! Take two aspirins and call this number. 1-800-Learning Styles.”
Sunny thought, well what have I got to lose. I have 5 minutes on my calling card, so I might as well try this number. She dialed the number and wouldn’t you know it, she was put on hold.
The muzak stopped and she heard the voice of the Learning Styles Buster, who listened to her concerns and said, “No problema! You have called the right number. It does sound like you have an interesting conglomeration of students. But what you have is a simple learning style problem. Learning Styles is the idea that everyone learns in unique ways; that we all have different learning styles or ways of learning and if a person is taught through their individual learning style strengths, than learning will be fun and easy.”
“I work with the Dunn and Dunn Learning Styles Model that has over 21 different elements. I could spend a whole day or two explaining this model, but I see that you only have 5 minutes on your calling card. So let’s look at one of the elements, called the perceptual strengths.”
“Valerie is a visual learner. She needs to see things, watch or observe what she is learning, have handouts, write things down, see diagrams, posters and visuals, watch demonstrations, read, watch videos or DVDs. Visualizations are good for her. So for example, if you are teaching the footwork for the move, Wave Hands in Clouds, you might tell her as they do in Monterey, that her feet will be crab walking, moving sideways like a crab. Or as my good Yang Sister, Barbara, from Mississippi would say, ‘It is like jumping over the coon dogs on the porch.’”
“Annie is an auditory learner. She likes listening to things, to follow spoken directions, words, sounds, music, use audio CDs, and to be talked through the moves. By all means get her Dr. Lam’s auditory CD and encourage her to take it home and practice her tai chi.”
“Ken is a kinesthetic learner. He likes to learn through movement, doing projects, building things, rehearsing, dancing, sports, drama, etc. It is okay if he moves while you are talking or demonstrating a move. That is how he synchs the movements into his long-term memory.
And Ted, dear, sweet Ted… Now most learners are not just one thing, but are usually a combination of several of these modes. But I have a feeling that Ted is a tactual learner. He needs to touch and manipulate things, use his hands, make models, type, draw, write etc. So, with his permission of course, you can go up to him and place his hands and his body in the right position and it will help him to understand the move.”
The Learning Style Buster then said, “So now I hear what you are thinking. How in the world can I teach to all 4 different styles, or students at once and I know that some of you teachers even have 130 students in your class at one time. But don’t worry as it is really simple.”
“Make sure that each lesson addresses all of the perceptual learning style elements. That is, demonstrate or show the move for the visuals, talk the class through the move for the auditory students, and do the move together for the tactual/kinesthetic students.”
“And one other thing that you can do is take a ‘learning style pause’. Stop periodically after teaching a move to pause so that your students can practice in ways that are best for them. The visuals can write ideas down, draw pictures or diagrams, or watch others as they do the moves. The auditory students can now safely talk to themselves all they want, and talk themselves through the moves or have another student talk them through the moves. The kinesthetic can just move and practice the moves, and this will provide time for you to help the tactual learners. If necessary you can help place their arms or feet in the correct position so that they can tactually feel and experience the move.”
Then the Learning Styles Buster said, “Ooops, I see that your calling time is up. I hear the operator. I could tell you much more but I am sure that I have provided you with the information that you required.” And with this the phone went dead.
However, Sunny felt very happy and satisfied. She knew that she had learned some valuable information that would immediately help her with her students. But she also kept hearing this sound repeating in her head. The song that she had heard when she was put on hold; a song by the infamous Yang Sisters called ‘Learning Styles Buster’.
Learning Styles Buster by Cynthia Fels
(based on Ghostbusters song by Ray Parker Jr)
Song sung by the Yang Sisters: Cynthia Fels, Susan Hamadock, Barbara Allen, Marianne Walch, Lynne Michaelis, & June Kostelnik
If there’s something strange going down in your tai chi classroom,
Who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
If there’s something weird and it don’t look good,
Who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
I ain’t afraid of no class.
I ain’t afraid of no student.
If your students keep running through your head,
Who can you call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
A student who can’t remember a thing you said,
Oh, who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
I ain’t afraid of no class.
I ain’t afraid of no student.
Who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
If you’ve had a dose of a freaky student,
You’d better call,
The Learning Styles Buster!
Let me tell you something,
Bustin makes me feel good.
I ain’t afraid of no class.
I ain’t afraid of no student.
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
Who you gonna call?
The Learning Styles Buster!
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Adapting tai chi to illness, by LeeAnn Tuesca, Occupational Therapist and Senior Trainer
Students say they can’t come to class because they are too sick. How do you adapt tai chi classes for individuals whose capabilities decline?
My first reaction to this question was that there were two different situations here.
Firstly, a current student or one thinking about joining a class has an incident that impacts them temporarily. Say a broken leg, a muscle strain or even a surgery. How do you adapt a class to that person?
Secondly, a current student or one thinking about joining a class has a condition that is progressive and whose capabilities are declining, like Parkinson’s, MS, etc. How do you adapt a class to that individual?
When I thought about what I would do in each of these situations, the results were the same. The way to respond to a student with a temporary illness or condition and how to respond to a student with a progressive disease is the same.
The short answer is, refer to the fundamentals.
Well, what are the fundamentals? Whether you are embarking on teaching your very first class or have many years of teaching experience, the fundamentals are always the same.
- The Three Golden Rules
- Precautions – taught by Dr. Lam
- Tai Chi Principles
The first fundamental area, The Three Golden Rules, is as follows:
- Refer anything in doubt to doctors or therapists.
- Listen to your students with your eyes, ears and heart.
- Encourage your students to listen to their bodies.
Another fundamental area is Precautions when teaching classes. If you think about these, some of the precautions are really an expansion of the Three Golden Rules.
- Always do warm-up and wind-down exercises.
- Refer your student to their doctor or therapist when needed. Get a doctor’s release. Don’t offer medical advice, and don’t go against medical advice. This is a precaution but is also a golden rule number one.
- Have your students rest appropriately, take breaks as needed, don’t over extend your students. Watch your students. Sometimes they’ll say they are OK but you really feel something is not right. Honor this intuition because you are listening with your heart. This is a combination of Golden Rule 2 & 3.
- Teach the movements slowly and be patient.
- Have students move within their comfort zones and use visualization. Work within the student’s capabilities of that day.
- Pay attention to bent knees.
The last fundamental area is the Principles of Tai Chi. As described by Dr. Lam in his article “What is Tai Chi?”, the Principles of Tai Chi are mind-body integration, fluidity of movement, control of breathing and mental concentration.
When you remember these three areas - the Three Golden Rules, the Precautions and the Principles - it is easier to adapt your classes. It is OK to adapt your classes to your students’ capabilities. If a student is unable to stand for a class for whatever reason, let the whole class experience tai chi in sitting. This would provide another sensory opportunity to assist the student in internalizing the principles. The Three Golden Rules and Precautions don’t change because you do waving hands sitting. The Principles remain true whether you are standing, sitting, lying or standing on your head.
Here is an example. After about two weeks into class, one of my students came to a session after having been rear-ended by another car the day before. She was complaining of a stiff neck and shoulder. She had already been to the doctor and there was no serious injury. The doctor told her it was OK to do what she wanted, just be careful. She decided she wanted to try the class. I emphasized to her to move within her comfort range only and visualize moving the full range. That day, I spent more time on the warm-ups with a concentration on keeping the body relaxed. We took breaks more often in the hour and I reminded her in the breaks to remember to move in smaller ranges. I did the rest of the class with the students sitting in chairs.
Another student I had was an individual instruction and probably more extreme than what you see in the average class, but I think you can take something away from the situation. I was in a position where I could go to her location to allow her to come to Tai Chi. This student was an elementary school teacher who was 49 years old and was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. She was undergoing chemotherapy and rounds of radiation. When we first started her sessions she was able to stand with a chair nearby and I began to introduce the TCA series. After a few sessions she was able to make it through the warm-ups standing and then the first couple of movements from her wheelchair. But the chemo started making her more and more sick. It was difficult to know how much of her sickness was due to the medication or if the cancer was progressing because she was able to do less and less with every session.
In spite of this, she didn’t want to stop her sessions and said it was the main thing she looked forward to every week. Her doctor approved her to continue if she wanted to, so I kept seeing her, but we did less and less each time. Instead of trying to plod her through the learning of new movements I had to adapt to her capabilities and to her tolerance. We focused on the Tai Chi Principles with the warm-ups and maybe one movement. We did the rest of our sessions sitting in her wheelchair and some days we were only able to get halfway through the warm-ups before she had to stop. During these times we worked on relaxation, breathing, controlled movement and mental focus. Doing it this way allowed her to OWN her Tai Chi, to take possession of it, to personalize her Tai Chi so she could do it on her own and not just wait for our sessions.
Before our sessions were over she said that she had trouble sleeping some nights due to her medications and other things going on in her life. She told me that at these points she would work on the open and close movement thinking about the breathing and the focus, sometimes sitting on the edge of her bed, sometimes lying on her back and this would help her get some sleep. At last, proof that she was able to get the benefits of Tai Chi with the adaptations that she learned.
It’s not about the precision of the movement. It’s about the accessibility of the benefits.
Caroline Demoise, MasterTrainer, said it well with her description of her Tai Chi journey. Tai Chi Principles do not stop with illness, it’s a way of life, a mindset. You know, if you honor the principles and remember the Precautions, you can do Tai Chi rolling over in bed.
To summarize, the mechanical answer to the question is refer the student to the doctor, get a medical approval and follow the precautions. The practical answer is to know the Tai Chi Principles and work around these.
Keep in mind that Tai Chi is flexible, adaptable. Tai Chi is forgiving. After all, isn’t that the whole point of Dr. Lam’s programs? To bring Tai Chi out of the hands of the chosen few and into the hearts and minds of the people who really need it.
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A letter to Dr Lam from Carmel McDonald
Dear Dr Lam,
It was a privilege to spend the two-day workshop Exploring the Depths of Ti Chi for Arthritis with you in Mackay recently. I would like to thank you for introducing me to Tai Chi for Arthritis. It has improved my quality of life so much, not only for the improved flexibility of my joints and fibromyalgia but the breathing has made a difference to my asthma.
I have found an inner peace and calm by practising Tai Chi after my heart attack and surgery for 5 bypasses; practising regularly seems to eliminate any stress.
We are very fortunate here in Mackay to have Suzanne McLaughlan as our instructor. She is a very cheerful and motivating person, who told me to visualise doing tai chi during the time I couldn’t practise. This also helped me a lot.
Our group is an early morning group of like-minded men and women of all ages, seeking good health. I have recommended Tai Chi for Arthritis to my family and friends, especially those with arthritis or recovering from heart surgery or under stress.
Sincere thanks Dr Lam for making such a difference to the quality of my life.
You are an inspiration to us all.
Carmel McDonald
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A tai chi class with a difference
For a look at what must be one of the most unusual Tai Chi for Arthritis classes ever held, have a look at the attached photos. They show instructor, Dr Jan Young (with her back to camera ), who is also is a Brigadier General in the Air National Guard, giving some of her troops instruction in Tai Chi for Arthritis to help them endure the weight of their war training gear.
Dr Young said: "I commend the men and women who did this in sweltering heat during a training class. Obviously imperfect form but under the circumstances - priceless!" Those uniforms and gas masks weigh a lot, but she reported that TCA lifted their spirits and lightened their day.
Our thanks to Jan for her permission to publish these photos and also to Sheila Rae, who submitted the story.
Have you got any interesting photos or stories about tai chi classes held in unusual or difficult circumstances? Send them to me and we'll consider them for the newsletter.
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Warning: Dr. Lam does not necessarily endorse the opinion of other authors. Before practicing any program featured in this newsletter, please check with your physician or therapist. The authors and anyone involved in the production of this newsletter will not be held responsible in any way whatsoever for any injury which may arise as a result of following the instructions given in this newsletter.
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